15 - The past

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The next morning, my alarm clock began to ring at six. In what seemed like a few minutes, I rolled over in my bed and accidentally slapped my alarm across the room instead of simply turning it off.

The crash from the alarm hitting the wooden part of my floor had me up on my feet thinking someone is breaking in. My phone suddenly started ringing, startling me.

I ran over and answered it. "PETE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" ChaAim screamed into the phone. "The buses just arrived."

I looked at the clock on my phone, seven in the morning.

Quickly I tumbled down the stairs, still half asleep, grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I grabbed the first taxi I spotted, since running would talk to long, and got to school before departure.

"Gosh Pete." Chompoo laughed punching my lightly. "You sleepy head. I still remember the time we had a date and you showed up an hour late since you kept sleeping." she giggled.

"Yeah, also you sleep like a log." Pond said behind me. I did not notice him when I arrived. Was he already here earlier? It doesn't matter anymore. What's important is, he came! I'm so happy!

I looked at ChaAim for any sign, she just smiled and winked at me. I guess everything is back to normal now. This is going to be a great trip!

ChaAim even brought up the time in middle school when I slept through the whole day.

When I looked over at Ae, he slightly laughed, but I knew he felt awkward with us talking about our memories that he never knew about.

The teacher announced for everyone to take a seat, then the bus began moving, taking everyone to the beach.

When we arrived at the beach, the teacher told us he'd check us into the hotel and for everyone to meet up in lobby at six. So it's free time for everyone until six.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Ae said. He sounded so excited. I am too.

Under the sunlight, Ae held my hand as he pulled me onto the beach and into the water, everyone in our group following behind.

Pond splashed me, and I fell onto Ae, knocking him into the water. Both of us soaking wet, laughing as everyone soon joined the laughter. In a moment, everything changes because of love, Ae leaned in and kissed me in front of everyone, once again.

Pond kicked water at us, getting us even more soaked, but as he planned, we stopped kissing. I got up and ran after Pond, but he hid behind ChaAim and Chompoo and they both splashed me.

At first I thought I was going to get hit hard since it is two against one, but when I opened my eyes after preparing for the worst, Ae stood in front of me like a shield. He smiled at me and mouthed the words, "I've got you covered."

"That's not fair!." Chompoo complained as she began her rapid fire of splashing.

Ae stayed in front of me blocking my body. Slowly I descended into the water and swam between his legs, passed Chompoo and ChaAim then grabbed Pond's ankle.

I heard a loud yell from above then Pond looked down at me as I came closer to the surface. I jumped up and dunked him quickly before he could get mad then ran through the water over to Ae.

"Oh it's on." ChaAim climbed on top of Pond's shoulders. We all knew what is coming. A classic chicken fight. Even though this is our last year, and we will graduate soon, deep inside everyone's heart, we're actually still young and dreaming.

After a few rounds, we all ran up to the beach and fell to the sand.

"Pete. Let's go for a while." Ae smiled at me. I nodded as I slipped a shirt over my head.

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