05 - O Romeo, Romeo!

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The next day at school, the teacher announced that the all-famous, school festival is coming up. Our class got nominated to do a play in the auditorium.

"Alright class. What play do you want to do? Peter Pan? Robbin Hood?" the teacher suggested.

Rachel stood up and grabbed the box usually used to choosing our seats and project partners.

"How about we make everything a raffle?" The teacher agreed and passed out small sheets of paper. Everyone wrote down a play and then passed it up to be placed in the box. Since Rachel thought about the idea, she got to be the one to choose.

"Rome and Juliet." she smiled. A classic love story between two fated enemies who fell in love.

"Okay, now for characters." The teacher wrote down all the characters in the play and other things as in lights, and stage crew then placed them in the box. He walked around to every desk and let them choose what their fated position is. Once everyone has chosen, he called up the two main characters. I stood up and slumped my way to the front of the classroom. Out of all the characters, I had to choose Juliet.

When I reached the front of the classroom, I turned to face everyone. Their jaws all fell open. I looked over at our Romeo... Ae.

My eyes grew big then I took a huge step farther away from him.

"Well this is an interesting turn out." the teacher laughed patting us both on the back. I forced out a laugh and then sighed.

"In the olden days, plays were performed by only the men." the teacher laughed again.

"Since you're both male, for the balcony scene, you don't have to kiss. Just make it look realistic."

And I thought I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.

I dragged my body back to my seat and whammed my head against the desk. This is the absolute worst. I thought I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. But instead, I have to work with him. A hand slammed down on my desk right next to my head.

"Hey." Rachel said sternly.

I sat up and looked at her, Pond, ChaAim and Chompoo stared as well.

"You should give up the position of Juliet." she growled.

"i'd be a million times better as Juliet. Ha, I even have the looks. People would be like, Look at her stunning beauty. Best Juliet ever!" She flipped her hair and waited for a reply. I stared at her almost willing to agree to give her the role of Juliet.

"I think Pete will make a great Juliet."ChaAim smirked at her. "It'll make the play more interesting."

The teacher walked up from behind Rachel, "ChaAim's right. You're the one who said everything should be done by a raffle Mrs. Capulet." Rachel glared at him before walking back to her seat.

"Pete my sister is a makeup artist remember?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

I had a feeling deep inside my gut that this play will be worse than any party I've been to lately.

* * * * *

A week until the play, and the day we chose to do Romeo and Juliet, began the day of our first rehearsal. Stage crew began setting up props, people from the sewing club began to make the costumes and everyone else worked on the scripts.

The fighting scenes began. The teacher didn't want anything dirty and made is so that everything went smoothly. Practice with Ae went smoother than I imagined. Maybe because we're at school and he couldn't do any funny business. A week passed by in a flash and finally the two day school festival came.

The teacher clapped his hands together before he announced, "Okay. Today's the day." he yelled through a rolled up piece of a cone.

"In exactly two hours we're on stage. Costumes?" he began to call out to make sure everything is ready.

"Lights? Benvolio, Mercutio? Pond and David, the jock of the click raised their swords.

"Rosaline?" Nurse?" Chompoos and ChaAim, the nurse waved.

"Capulet Parents?" Rachel and Austin, the bitchy blonde and rocker of the click waved.

"Montague parents?" Two more students raised waved.

"Romeo. Juliet?" Ae and I rose out hands as we looked at each other.

"Alright kids. Be ready when it's time. You're old enough to manage your own time." The teacher announced before leaving.

"Pete!" ChaAim called over to me. "Come're." she waved at me from the hallway.

I quietly walked away from the crowd and over to her. Out popped a girl about the same size as ChaAim.

"Pete. This is my sister Emmy. She came back from college to do you're makeup."

I looked at her with the, "You serious?" face. She smirked at me and then pulled me into the classroom.

She set up a giant curtain covering a corner of the classroom. She put huge DO NOT DISTURB sign and then looked at me with a devilish smile. Her sister pulled out a wig and a giant makeup case.

They both smiled at me with the same intense, evil smile. Just looking at it, filled me with fear.

An hour later, and a few pounds of makeup added, my face felt heavy. Emmy told me since I'm a guy, she'll have to add more than usual to make me a girl.

"Pete," she said before putting black pencil around my eyes. "Has anyone told you you'd be a very good cross dresser?"

I closed my eyes to let her put the finishing touches on, "No." I answered.

Why would I cross dress? I'm a guy. I don't have girly features or body.

"Well, this is why." She placed the wig on my head and then added in extensions then handed me a mirror.

"T-that's me?" I ran my fingers through my hair and touched my cheek lightly. I would totally date myself, not to sound like a narcissist.

When I walked out from behind the curtain, everyone gasped, including the teacher. Pond came over and tried ruffling my hair to tell me that I'm adorable, but Emmy growled at him and smacked his hand away.

"Okay. Everyone's ready right? 15 minutes till the play starts. Let's head down to the stage." The teacher yelled at everyone.

"Wait. Where is Romeo?" He looked around as well as everyone else.

When I didn't see him, my heart began to rush. Why did he leave?

"Okay. We all need to search for Romeo!"

And our search began.


a/n: O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?...


Ongoing fanfics:
1. Sharing Forth [ForthBeam]
2. Facades [MingKit]
3. The New Kid [PhaYo]
4. I Kissed A Boy [AePete]
5. BL One-shots and short stories [ForthBeam | MingKit | PhaYo | AePete | KornKnock | KongpobArthit]


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