09 - Nameless chapter

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"I've actually liked you for a year now." He chuckled softly, looking away from me. "But you were dating Chompoo. So..."

I grabbed his hand that laid on the table and squeezed it. I'm not sure why he never told me anything before. He didn't even show any signs. How was I supposed to know?

"But now that you and Chompoo are over." He cupped my hands with his free hand, "And this might be to sudden, but..." His face began to turn red, "do you want to go out with me?"

My fingers crawled up to his wrist, his heart was racing quickly from what I could tell from the pulse, or is it my own. Me date Pond? A childhood friend? A guy? This might be exactly what I'm looking for. Maybe I'll fall in love again, and forget about him. (a/n: this author's eyes are rolling like 🙄🙄🙄)

"Yeah." I smiled.

He reached over the table and hugged me tightly.

"Yay to the happy couple!!" ChaAim popped out of a bush right next to me. I flipped out of my chair and fell on my ground. It feels like my heart is going to burst.

"W-what?!" I yelled at her she stepped out from the bush and brushed of the leafs. She hummed and sat down in my seat leaving me chair-less. "Why!?"

"Because. It was all part of my plan." She took a sip of my drink then smiled at Pond. "See, a year ago, Pond told me that he likes you, but then you started going out with Chompoo. So we made a promise that I'd get him the chance to confess." She laughed. "And it worked."

I stood up and look over at Pond, his face burning red. I walked over and sat down on Pond's lap. (a/n: 🙄🙄🙄 again)

ChaAim stood up and laughed, "I guess I'll leave you two to your date."

When she left I kissed him on his cheek. My lips tingled, from the touch. Does this mean I'm the girl in the relationship? After I kissed him on the cheek, Pond quickly kissed me...

And I didn't resist. (a/n: 🙄🙄🙄)

* * * * *

The next day at school, Pond began being open about our relationship. I kept looking between Chompoo and Ae.

Chompoo smiled as if she did not mind, and Ae did not care enough to look. For some reason, I feel relieved when he doesn't look.

Through out the day, I've noticed that since Pond and I started dating, he's become more touchy, and his emotions are expressed easier. When gym came around as we were changing in our gym uniforms I caught him staring at me. The second he found out that I knew, his face burned red and he looked away. 

When gym started, I felt my head begin to spin. The days were getting hotter and I've been loosing sleep, being a worry rant about everyone else's feelings. Before I knew it, my vision began to come and go, and my body felt hotter. The next thing I knew, I felt the cool ground against my skin.

Barely cautious, I felt a cool breeze brushing against my skin. I could feel someone'e arms wrapped around me, like being carried.

I tried blinking a few times when I heard a guy's voice say, "Don't worry Pete. We're almost at the nurse's office. I think I mumbled something then fell back asleep.

An hour or two later I woke up in the nurses bed, Ae leaning forward from his chair, head on the bed and sleeping. As I sat up he quietly groans and sat up as well. Did he take me here?

"You're awake?" he said.

I nodded silently. It's a stupid question, but seeing his sleepy face made me forget how stupid it is.

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