24 - Is this it?

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a/n: Thank you for patiently waiting for this update ❤


Pete's POV

We all sat down at a small round table toward the back and middle. The whispers didn't stop but my eyes and ears were focused on Jeremy. At work he seemed different that how he usually is. He seemed calmer and jaded, more mature.

"Please take your time." He said as he handed us menus before walking away.

"That was so cool." ChaAim squealed slightly. "He's like a prince. But... Pond," she grew shy. "you didn't have to stick up for him that much." She blushed from embarrassment. I agree with ChaAim, it made it look like he still likes me, when he's dating ChaAim.

"Anyway, P..." Pond cut short not knowing what to call me. "Patty." He ended up saying. I just stared at him. "Patty? Is that really the best you could come up with?" I laughed. Pond slightly blushed, but could no longer find the words to defend himself.

"Does it matter?" ChaAim butted in. "How have you been?" I nodded and slightly lied that everything is great. "And you and Ae?" Just hearing his name stung my heart. Whenever I hear his name lately, I see Remy clinging onto him with that smirk on his face, and Ae not doing a thing about it.

"We are good." I gulped down. Pond just stared at me, his head supported by his hand and arm which is placed on the table. He looked bored, until I replied to ChaAim's question.

"Really?" He sighed. "I heard he followed you to this college." He said beginning to add pressure to me revealing the truth. "But here you are, alone, dressed like a girl, blushing over that guy." He pointed back at Jeremy.

My throat grew too dry to speak and reply. Jeremy walked over and placed down the drinks we ordered. I quickly took a sip, but my throat still seemed dry. "He and I," my throat stung as I breathed in words. I could feel it cracking as well as my eyes growing watery. If I cry now, the make up will come off and I won't be able to finish. Quietly I glanced over at Jeremy. He did the same to each table. His politeness spread throughout the cafe.

The tears in my eyes began to overflow as I covered my eyes with my hands. I could hide the tears and lie all I want, but I can't hide the sniffles of a broken heart from ChaAim and Pond. "Look the girl is crying. Shouldn't her boyfriend be consoling her? He did get jealous when that waiter saved her." The girls whispered.

"Don't touch me." I said quietly. "Don't try to be nice to me." I mumbled into a slight pause. "Tell me how stupid I am for falling for Ae. How we all knew he was going to hurt me. But tell me," I sniffled. "That I'm not the only person who has been hurt by him."

I know I'm not alone. I know I'm not the only person who got hurt by Ae's words or actions. I know that Ae has crushed many hearts in the past, including Chompoo's and Pond's. I know all of this, yet I feel alone, like I'm the only person experiencing this sharp pain in my heart.


Ae's POV

I glanced out the window at the back in the empty room my roommate left me with. I walked over to the bed and grabbed a pillow then hugged it tightly. The door knocked and sat up to answer it. "Hello?" I said swinging the door open.

"Ae you look like total shit right now." Remy laughed at me. "You look like you need some fresh air." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room. We went to the front of the campus grounds where the trees were perfect for sleeping under and the majority of the people only came around if they were leaving or coming back.

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