10 - My light

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a/n: Yes double update!

The next day at school I arrived early, hoping to see Ae.

"Hey." Pond said sitting down next to me. Since when did he start coming early? "Can I ask you something?" He placed his backpack on the ground. I turned toward him and nodded. "Can you at least tell me why?" (a/n: Errr... you should have asked this when Pete asked you to break up yesterday instead of just nodding in the previous chapter duh 🙄🙄🙄)

"Why what?" ChaAim popped in. We both looked at her, not as if she were an annoyance.

"Nothing." I said turned my body toward the front.

From the corner of my eye I saw Pond whisper what happened into her ear. Her expression changed, and she looked at me.

"Pete come with me." Quickly she grabbed my hand and took me out if the classroom.

We walked down the hall in a rush then up the stairs to the roof. When the giant metal door closed, she began talking.

"Why the hell did you two break up?!"

I looked at her an said straight out, "I'm in love with someone else."

"No, you can't just fall in love with someone out of the blue! Who is it?!" She yelled.

"Ae." I mumbled.

"What?! No. I don't approve. Why would you like a playboy like him?! More like when have you been meeting each other?!" She continued to yell.

"It just happened! Things happened!" I began to yell back. "Lately he's been on my mind all the time. My heart beats faster than anything when I'm around him! If it isn't love then what is it? It's to much for liking him!"

"I doubt you're in love." ChaAim growled.

"What would you know about love?!" I yelled at her. She jolted and turned away from me. "You've never been in love!"

"I have too!" She screamed almost a screeching scream.

A moment of silence passed through before one of us spoke again.

"Who?" I asked.

"Never mind. Forget I said anything." she said.

"That's not fair. You can't make me tell you who I like and then you can't tell me yours. Is that really how our friendship is?" I stepped closer to her.

"I don't want to talk about it."

I walked over to her, grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around.

"Fine. Pond." She said quietly.

I took a step back and looked at her. Neither of us said nothing as the bell rang. We both walked downstairs to class.

Back in class, Pond asked me again.

"He's in love." ChaAim growled.

"With?" Pond looked up at ChaAim who stood next to him with her arms crossed. She looked over at Ae then back at Pond.

Pond sighed before walking out, "I don't approve. Anyone but him." He mumbled under his breath. The teacher came in and class started.

Two classes passed and lunch rolled around, Pond still hasn't return.

I glanced at the door, hoping to see Pond walk in at any moment. Nothing happened. I looked over at the click, and Ae is missing as well. ChaAim looked at me and shook her head then went back to eating. I had a bad feeling knowing the both of them were missing.

Quickly I dashed out the room and ran down the hallways searching for one of the two. The last place to check happened to be the roof, although I should have gone there first. I stubbed up the stairs to the roof and stopped short before opening the door.

There, a mere feet apart, Ae and Pond stood.

The silence between them is louder than any thunderstorm. It scared me. What's going to happen?

"Why?!?" I heard Pond yell faintly.

I quickly slipped passed the door and into the roof.

"Why are you around him?" Pond continued.

"I finally found it. I'm not going to let it go!" Ae yelled back. "I'm not going to lose my light!"

Pond clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

"You told me I was your light! You lying bastard!

It never dawned to me until those words rang into my ear.

A few years ago, while in middle school, Pond mentioned to ChaAim and I that he started dating someone from a different school. ChaAim and I completed supported him, but after a week of smiling and non stop happiness, it came to a stop. We then found out that they broke up, Pond was left behind by his first love.

I'm guessing that is why Pond would rather me date someone else. As well as Chompoo and ChaAim. They all do not want me to get hurt by a guy the two of the three have already gotten hurt by. Does that mean ChaAim knows about Pond and Ae's past? What else have they been hiding from me?

"I've had it with you and your games!" Pond grabbed the collar of Ae's shirt and pulled him close.

I ran out and pushed their bodies apart as I yelled, "Don't hurt him."

"Pete..." Ae and Pond said at the same time.

They stopped arguing and stared at me as I stood there between them. I figured it's too late to run and hide again. But I didn't have a plan after stopping them.

"Pete. Who would you choose?" Pond said quietly while looking straight at me. His stare felt uncomfortable, I couldn't look at him anymore. "Me or Ae?"

"I don't want to choose." I mumbled. I turned to Pond, tears blurring my eyes. "You've kept so many secrets from me. You and ChaAim both. Is this really how it is after twelve years of friendship?"

I ran to the door and down the stairs. This is wrong. This is completely wrong.

"Pete!" A voice echoed behind me. I kept running forward, not wanting to look back.

Suddenly long arms wrapped around my upper body and warm chest pressed against my back.

"I'm sorry." Ae whispered into my ear. "If I never met you that night and fallen in love with you, you wouldn't be in so much pain."

I stayed silent, in his arms, until my emotions calmed down. My mind still blurred and I can only act on the situation.

"It's been a while," he whispered in my ear, "since I've held you like this."

The timing and the moment seemed to be wrong but it felt right. My heart began beating quickly, I could feel it about to burst again.

"Ae," I breathed out. I turned around and looked at him. I'm no longer afraid of this feeling. "The truth is, I..."

"What are you kids doing?" A teacher came yelling around the corner. "Get back to class."

My heart raced, even though I couldn't tell him fully.

"I'll tell you later." Slowly I walked out of his arms, my body freezing without his warm touch. "I will definitely tell you."

To be continued...

a/n: Trust me, you wouldn't want to miss the next chapter 😉

Ongoing fanfics:
1. Sharing Forth [ForthBeam]
2. Facades [MingKit]
3. The New Kid [PhaYo]
4. I Kissed A Boy [AePete]
5. BL one shots and short stories [18+]

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