23 - Disguise

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a/n: Thank you for waiting for this update ❤


As night fell, and the moon rose above the world's head, behind locked doors, tears and reassurance was exchanged. I cried as Jeremy handed me millions of tissues. He didn't know how to respond at first, but as time passed, his words calmed me down. That night, I fell asleep, clinging onto him as he leaded against his bed.

The next morning, I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping, as they stayed perched on the open window. Arms tightly wrapped around me, Jeremy held me like a giant stuffed animal. I yawned and nudged my head on his chest. My eyelids felt heavy and swollen. The second my eyes closed, the alarm clock blasted off and zipped through my ears. Both startled by the loud noise, Jeremy and I woke up, soon coming to your senses and separating from each other.

We both got up and dressed then awkwardly headed to class together. Silence filled the what felt like five foot gap between us. 

"Pete!" A voice called from behind me. I turned around and Ae sprinted up to me nearly out of breath. "Good thing I caught you." he huffed. "Do you want to hand out today?"

I glanced up at Jeremy, but he looked away not wanting to be involved. "I can't today." I'm not lying... The week isn't over yet. I still need to finish my task. "I'm busy the rest of this week." My eyes fell to the ground. "Sorry."

Before Ae could reply I turned off and headed to class. "But I have something I need to tell you!" Ae's words echoed quietly after me. I didn't turn around and plowed through.

Classes ended and like usual, Jeremy headed off to work. I quickly left the classroom before him and headed straight over to the girly district. Without hesitation I ran straight into a costume store. Quietly browsing through all the clothes, nothing caught my eye. Either the costume is too suspicious or too flashy for the public to not question you if you know it's not Halloween.

"Can I help you?" A voice said which lacked in enthusiasm. I turned around, and in front of me, sucking on a lollipop, and hair pulled back in a bandanna, a girl waited for an answer.

I couldn't hold back, just looking at her made me want to laugh. It isn't because she is ugly or funny looking. "ChaAim, you suck at your job." I laughed. She glanced at my face and her lollipop fell out of her mouth and onto the ground. Quickly she hugged me tightly without any hesitation. "Pete! I missed you!" She smiled, hugging me tighter.

"I did too. What are you doing here?" I laughed as I hugged her back. She began laughing too, her laugh brought me back to my high school memories. "I'm going to ask you the same thing. My sister owns this shop. You remember right?"

Of course, just remembering feels like a stone is sitting on top of my head. In my last year of high school, I, Pete, was transformed into a girl.

I wrapped my arm around her neck and brought her into a head lock. "You're never going to let that go are you?" I gritted my teeth as I gave her a nudgy.

"Can you, let go of my girlfriend?" A boy with decently long skater hair said calmly from behind. I stopped and loosened the grip. ChaAim began laughing as she stayed in the easily escapable head lock. "Pond calm down. It's just Pete." She fell to her knees laughing.

I looked at him and he looked at me. It took us another ten seconds then we realized. "Pond!" I yelled at the same time he yelled my name. We jumped into each other giving one another a giant man hug. "It's been a while, huh?" I smiled.

"A while my ass." He pulled away and placed his hand on my head and began ruffling pushing down and twisting, flattening and messing my hair up. "It's been so long that I though you were some high school brat messing with my girl." He laughed with a cheeky smile across his face.

I Kissed A BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora