25 - Blackout

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a/n: Thank you for patiently waiting 😊


Pete's POV

Time passed by as its slowest. Maybe it was me being anxious. Could it be that he won't break up with me? It's true that I've been avoiding him, but the way he fought to be with me last year, his desire to have me. Have I gotten too selfish to think that he still wants me?

The clock struck 10:50 and I sat up from my bed and walked to the door. As I opened the door, Jeremy stood in the doorway. "...Hey." His expression filled with surprise. 
Going somewhere?" I told him I'll be back in a little then took off.

I asked myself a million times as I walked down to the courtyard. Are you sure you want to see him? I want to, but at the same time I don't want to. My nerves built up the longer it took me to reach the courtyard.

Finally when I arrived, Ae was sitting on a bench under a giant tree. He hung his head and stared at the dark freshly cut grass. I walked up to him and sat next to him. The second my bottom touched the wood, he turned toward me and hugged me.

"You've been accepted." I wasn't sure to what so I stayed quiet. "Pete you're allowed to be in the Flower Club." He began to sob. "We can finally be together again."


Those words rang through my ears. Haven't we always been together? "That's great." I sugar coated my thoughts with happy words. "Now we can always be together." I smiled. He hugged me tighter and the night grew darker.


Even after a week or so, and I'm now a member, awkwardness loomed between them and I. "Hey we should all go somewhere this weekend. I finish classes this week on Thursday. So I've got a three-day weekend." Remt said happily as he bit into an ice cream bar. "Me too." Ae smiled at him. "What about you Pete?" Ae added while looking over at me.

"I finish on Thursday too." I muttered quickly. We all established that classes ended on Thursday (a/n: Duh), except Kevin's who finished Friday morning at ten. "Then around noon, let's all go to the Haunted house down the road. It's a fundraiser but it'll also be fun right?" Remy suggested. "Oh yeah, Pete. I know this really early and we still have winter break before then but, we're all going to Paris for spring break this year. Better start saving up." I nodded them sighed, knowing I'll have to get a job.

Once club time ended, we all headed back to our dorms. On the way back, Ae pulled me aside. "I can pay for your trip if you want." I knew he'd offer since he wants to be together and his family is so rich. I told him I'd pay my own way and left for my room.

Upon entering, Jeremy waited for him while sitting on his bed. "Can you help me with an art project?" He asked the second I walked in. "It's due in two days, on Thursday." He muttered. "And I need a model." I nodded in agreement and flopped onto my bed. "I'll pay you too. To help you for your Paris trip."

When he said he'd pay me, I wondered why he'd mention that in the first place. Is it cause I'm poor? But he's the one with the job. I didn't know what he meant until that night before I started modeling for him. "Strip." (a/n: Umm say that again?)  He told me as he grabbed his pencil and sketch pad.

At first I thought I didn't hear him correctly. "Strip." He told me once more. He positioned himself and waits for me. I nodded and began to take off my shirt. "All of it?" I asked in a breathy voice. He nodded and waited for me to move on. One by one, I took off each piece of clothing, loosing a fraction of dignity with each cloth.

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