04 - Done and forgotten

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When I thought one drink won't hurt, I didn't know how extremely weak I am when it comes to alcohol.

"You alright?" the boy caught me as I began falling forward.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Let's just find some place quiet and a place to rest." he quietly burped. The taste alcohol filled my mouth, it no longer tasted pleasant.

I dragged my body behind him until we reached an empty bedroom. I flopped onto the bed and closed my eyes.

a/n: Pete, didn't your parents tell you that you should not go with a stranger? Especially someone who is wearing a mask and leads you to an empty room? Aigoo...

"It's hot." I groaned in a weak voice. I took off my jacket and threw it across the room. The boy walked over and opened the window letting the air in.

He took off his mask and looked over me.

"Feels better with the window open." Ae smiled.

The minute my vision came clear, I knew I just made a huge mistake by coming here with someone behind a mask. (a/n: well, I told you so...)

I sat up and walked over to my jacket on the ground, "I think I need to go." I picked my jacket.

"Why?" Ae grabbed my hand, which fit perfectly in his. I knew I'm slightly smaller than most guys my age, but my hand, fitting perfectly snug inside his?

"You need to rest since you're weak to alcohol."

Here I am, in a room, with Ae, and he doesn't know who I am yet he's being so genially kind.

"Why? Why are you being so nice to me when you don't even know me." I mumbled squeezing his hand slightly. What am I saying? What's my goal for asking such a rash question?

"Is it about popularity? Do you think everyone in the click is a snob?" Ae raised his voice, his eyebrows going inward and down.

"I didn't even want to be part of the click. But because of my looks and money, I was naturally pulled in. No matter how much I want to leave, now that I've been dragged in the name will always follow me. I hate it."

Hearing him say these words with true hatred and the longing to leave, made my heart thump. No, what am I thinking, maybe I'm sick. It maybe the alcohol.

"You're face is red." He said looking at me, his face calm.

"Do you have a fever?" He reached over and took off my mask, when I thought he was going to check my forehead.

The mask dropped to the floor and my face still burned. Ae saw my face and is completely speechless.

He quickly pulled me in, hugging too tightly. "I'm glad you came." He whispered in my ear.

There you go again, making my mind feel like mushy again. It's impossible to think straight at the moment.

I slowly put my arms around him and hugged him.

He began to kiss me, starting with the lips. I tried to tell him stop, but when he put his soft lips on me, I suddenly felt out of breath. His hands creased me.

"No..." I whispered in a breathy voice.

The more I said no, the more my body craved for his touch.

Without a doubt, I know I'll be waking up tomorrow morning hating myself.

* * * * *

The next morning I woke up in a king size bed all alone. And just as I feared, I hate myself for what happened. I sighed and climbed out of bed. All over the house, maids were cleaning up. With the lights on, it's easily seen as how trashed it became in one night.

"Hello Pete." A man said putting down his newspaper from the living room.

"Hello." I said quietly.

"I'm Ae's father. He told me that you were upstairs. Did you have a nice sleep?"

One of the maids placed a fancy breakfast plate in front of me. I shook my head saying I didn't want it then slipped on my jacket.

"Thank you for letting me stay sir." I know now who his parents are.

Assuming they are living separately, there are divorced. I walked down the long driveway and onto the street. When I turned onto the street my phone began to rang. I pulled it out of my back pocket and looked at the caller ID. Chompoo.

"Hello?" I answered acting like I didn't know who it is.

"Hey love. About last night. We didn't really get to see each other. You completely disappeared." She laughed happily into the phone.

"So I was thinking, we haven't gone on a date in a while."

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"So do you wanna go to the movies today? I've got some tickets."

At this moment, I could see her smiling brightly. I agreed then planned to meet her in front of the theater in twenty minutes. I really need to get this whole problem off my mind.

When I arrived, I saw Chompoo in a spring dress, cute as always. I smiled as she waved over to me.

"So what movie?" I questioned.

She shook her head and told me it's a secret then we headed inside. We sat farther back than most people and away from the crowd who wanted good close, but not too close seat.

"So why so sudden?"

She sat up slightly taller and kissed me on my cheek. "Because I love you." she giggled.

A few seats down, another couple moved in. The girl came in first sitting down with three seats between us. I ignored them the turned to Chompoo. She placed her head on my shoulder using it as a head rest. I kissed the top of her head gently. Suddenly a loud snicker came from beside us.

"Be quiet." the man's voice hushed her.

"Why? Those two loser's doesn't care. I'm glad you chose me to come on a date with you today." she snickered.

I rolled my eyes then peaked over to see who they could be.

"Ae?" I said under my breath.

Of course I'd have to run into him of all people. But he's a player, of course, I'm just one of his many toys. I shouldn't make a big deal out of what happened the other night. I'm straight and taken by Chompoo.

He's, I'm not sure, and a player. I'm me, and he's part of the click. Plus we're both guys. People like us don't mix. The only reason it happened was cause I got caught up in the moment. Everything is in the past.

Done and forgotten.


a/n: Is it really done and forgotten Pete?...

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Ongoing fanfics:
1. Sharing Forth [ForthBeam]
2. Facades [MingKit]
3. I Kissed A Boy [AePete]
4. The New Kid [PhaYo]
5. BL One-shots and short stories [ForthBeam | MingKit | PhaYo | AePete | KornKnock | KongpobArthit]


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