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   Dear readers and friends,

So this story has now come to an end and I thought you guys deserved more then just a note at the end of chapter. You guys mean so much to me even if I don't know you or you were a silent reader.

When I first posted this story in September I didn't think anyone  would read it. I thought it would just be another book amongst the sea of wonderful books on Wattpad. Then people started reading it. The feeling of seeing you guys comment of simply just seeing the veiw number go up never stopped being amazing.

When I first posted this I was nervous about people not liking it. I didn't even want to post it and probably wouldn't have if wasn't for my best friend Moist_super_gay_neko he always encouraged me to post this. When I was nervous that a chapter wasn't good he would always reassure me that it perfect. I still don't even think I'm that good of a writer but thanks to all of you I have a little bit more faith in my writing.

This story has been a way of coping through problems. If I wasn't having a good day I would write I would channel those bad feelings and out them into my writing. This ended up with a lot of these chapters being really sad. On days when I was doing better the chapters were happier. Without writing I don't think I would really be who I am today.

  The meaning of this update isn't to talk about myself though, it to thank you. I want to thank you for reading this even though I know it's probably not the best book on Wattpad. I want to thank you for sticking with me through all the little hick-ups that happened along the way. For not being to mad if I was late an update. I just want to thank you for reading and encouraging me to update.

I really hope you enjoyed your time with me as much as I enjoyed mine with you.

                  The end

Yours truly,

His Mute MateWhere stories live. Discover now