Chapter 19

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was slouched with my feet folded on the couch. I rested my chin on the remote as I stared into the television and filled my mouth with chips.

I had a long day at work and needed some entertainment to distract my overly stressed mind.

The female lead began to her eyes out and I led out a groan of boredom, ready to switch the channel.

Shane walked into the house in que, dressed in his office suit as he walked up the stairs, probably to hop into the shower.

'Then explain this?!' The character screamed out as she showed him the conversation he had with his other woman on his phone.

Wait a minute.

A grin made its way to my lips as the bulb in my head began to blink.

Placing the bag of chips and remote beside me, I finally decided to lift myself off the couch and tip toe my way into Shane's room, my bun bobbing on my head as I did so.

There is no way this man doesn't have a little side chick under his sleeve.

Knowing he was in the shower, I slowly creaked the door open, my eyes landing on the phone on his bed.

I sneaked into the master bedroom, a simper gracing onto my lips as I took a hold of his large phone. I clicked on the power button and cursed under my breath when I realised it was locked.

And then it happened, the door to his washroom clicked open.

I yelped before squatting down and rolling under his bed in reflux, my head bumping onto the wooden frame as I did so.

Tamara, you dumbnut. You could have just ran out of the door.

I rubbed my temple as I peered at the movement of his feet, my pulse quickening with every slow strode he took.

I felt my nerves ease when I noticed him walk out of his room, leading me for my perfect opportunity to flee.

Letting out of sigh of relief, I excitedly rolled out from underneath. Getting onto my feet, I sprinted but stopped abruptly when I noticed Shane leaning against the door frame with his hands crossed, wearing nothing but a towel.

"What a lovely surprise, Cactus. How was the weather down there?"

Gulping in I smiled sheepishly taking a step back. "I, uh-"

"You?" He interrupted, a devilishly smirk marring his features as he took a step towards me.

I was already dumbfoùnded and his lack of clothing wasn't making it any better.

"I w-was, I was-"

"You were?" He interrupted again as he took another step, his smirk immediately converting into a grin.

"I was trying to- I was trying to scare you!" I excused excitedly, waving my hands in front of his face.

"With my phone?" He questioned, his eyes signalling to his phone that was still held in my hand as he took another step forward.

Holy mother of skittles.

I swiftly brought my hands down and stepped back cowardly, "Uh."

Shane stepped forward again, resulting in me stepping behind and hitting my back against the wall. He smirked in victory, placing his hands on the wall on either of my sides, leaving me no room to escape.

"You were saying?"

I gulped in, my pulse quickening once again at our close proximity and my vulnerability.

Before You Fallحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن