26 • madeline

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"You know Alice Paul had absolutely nothing to do with the American Revolution, right?" I asked Logan, "She was one of the famous icons of the suffrage movement."

"Okay, yeah," he rolled his eyes, "but she's cool as shit."

I laughed. "Focus!"

"Okay!" He sighed. "So, the role of women in the revolution, yeah? All we have so far is a title."

"That's because someone spent the night researching the wrong time era." I chuckled, "Now look."
I pulled out my laptop along with my own research.
"So the role of women in the revolution was mostly to help out the soldiers. They did things like cook and clean, you know, to help take care of them, which wasn't strange for the time. But they also took on roles like seamstresses and nurses as well."

"That's kind of boring." Logan pouted.

I scoffed, "Would you just wait? Anyway, some women actually served as secret soldiers, or even spies."

"No way!" Logan lit up, "Now we're talking! You should have started with that."

I ignored him, "They would cut their hair and try disguise themselves as men to be soldiers. And the spies would pick up jobs like a cook or maid on British camps, and eavesdrop for American soldiers."

"Well that's pretty fucking dope!" Logan said, "So they'd really dress up like guys? Like a real life Mulan?"

I nodded. "Awesome, huh?"

"Let's just focus on that! The secret soldiers and spies, I mean. That would be a really interesting project! Who cares about the housewife stuff?"

"Logan," I groaned, "you're making it really hard not to throw my water on you."

"Hear me out," he giggled, "women are fucking awesome. We all know about the domestic duties that women were limited to for basically, forever. No one ever talks about the badass shit you guys did! Especially not in that time frame. So let's talk about it!"

I crossed my arms, "We are pretty badass, huh?"

"That's what I'm saying!" He laughed, pushing me lightly. I threw my head back and laughed as well.

I felt eyes on me, and looked over to Luke sitting at his desk. He was staring. The minute I caught him, he looked away. His cheeks were burning, bright red.

He couldn't possibly be jealous, could he?

The bell rang, snapping me out of my daze.

"Email that document to me," Logan said, "I work all night, but I'll call you sometime later this week and we'll work on it together."

I nodded, and he gave me a toothy grin before sneaking past me out the door. Mrs. Reynolds had left, and everyone else was making their way out of the door. Luke was packing up his stuff, so I did the same, slipping my laptop into my bag. He didn't say a word, so I turned to walk out of the door.

"Madeline?" He finally called.

I turned around, immediately.

He smiled, nervously. "Are you coming with me?"

I smiled back, "I was waiting for confirmation from you." I laughed.
"But I can't stay all night. Mom will be home in the morning."

He frowned, "Well, that's okay. I'll miss you. But you're coming with me, right?"

"Of course, Luke." I said, "Why wouldn't I?"

He tried to laugh it off, with a shrug.
"I don't know, come on, I'll sneak you out of the teachers lot."

He was acting weird, but I decided to ignore it, and followed him out.

When we got in the car, he grabbed my hand and pressed it to his lips, kissing it softly. "Did you have a good day?"

"Pretty good." I nodded. "Did you?"

"It was long." He chuckled. "I'm exhausted. I have a lot to do this week too, and I'm just a tad stressed. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"Of course I worry about you, Luke." I said softly. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," he waved me off, "I'm telling you, I'm fine. Do you have any homework?"

I thought for a moment, "A little. I've got some math homework, and an art project coming up, and then Logan has to call me sometime about our project."

"Call you?" He asked, "Why does he have to call you?"

"So we can work on the project." I said slowly, "Why else? You know we're partners."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I know."

"Luke." I groaned.

"I get it," he cut me off, "I just didn't realize you two were so close."

"What are you talking about?"

He gave me a look, "Seriously?"

"We're friends, but we're not that close."

"I find that hard to believe." He said. "I had to watch him flirt with you all class period. You didn't seem like you minded too much."

It was my turn to roll my eyes that time.
"Logan was not flirting with me."

"Of course he was." Luke argued, "You'd have to be blind to think otherwise. Do you have any idea how hard it is to watch these boys touch you, and mess with you, and stare at you like you're their lunch? Because it's pretty damn hard."

"Luke." I said softly. "Don't be like this. I really don't think he was flirting with me."

"Bullshit." He muttered.

I stared at him for a moment, not saying a word.

"What?" He finally asked.

"Take me home." I said bluntly.

"What?" He asked again.

"You heard me. Take me home, I want to go home."


"No." I interrupted, "If that's the way you're going to be this evening, then I guess I'll just go home. I'm not going to listen to you bitch at me over absolutely nothing. I didn't do anything. Now take me home."

He winced. It hurt me to see the pain in his eyes but I knew there was no going back.

He took a sharp turn, and we drove silently all the way to my house. When we pulled in the driveway I pushed the car door open, barely giving him time to stop, and marched inside without another word. His face was filled with pure shock.
I was even shocked. I don't know where that came from, but I felt like I had to prove a point.

I just hoped I didn't ruin anything over it.

Mads: how soon can you two be at my house ???

CeCe: we're on our way gf

Trish: I assume we're spending the night <3

Mads: bring alcohol :/

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