57 • luke

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(((( a/n: what's everyone's favorite fanfics right now?? I need new ones to read!! my current favorite is Golden Boy AHHH I am a Weasley simp tell me why I wanna write a Harry Potter fanfic UEHSJSOSISJEJE

also this chapter is short but necessary IM SRRY ))))

It was about a week after Madeline and I were caught by her friend Cameron, and I still couldn't believe how easily we had gotten off the hook. It made me only slightly nervous about bringing Maddie to Australia, but I was far more excited that she was joining me to care. I couldn't wait for her to see my life outside of Seattle. I wanted her to meet my family, all of the people who were most important to me. I wanted to show her the beaches, and the wildlife, and all of the places that held significance to me growing up.

I thought about how sentimental it would be to show Maddie my own high school, as I was certainly familiar with the hallways that she roamed herself and the lockers, the teachers, classes, and events that were shaping her into the young woman she was. I wanted to show her my own experiences, too.
There was something about that idea that made my heart feel fuzzy.

I was also thrilled that Madeline's mother so readily agreed to let me escort her daughter across the globe and into another world. It made me feel confident that she trusted me enough to keep her safe. Along with the help of Ashton, Calum, and Michael, of course - who were also absolutely delighted she was joining us.

Spring break was now only a few short days away as April was ending. Even though it was our spring break, the current season in Australia would technically be autumn. Luckily, the weather would still mostly be warm. I was packing my things, and packed my clothing accordingly with the Australian temperatures. I sent Madeline a text instructing her to do the same. My phone buzzed, and I expected it to be Madeline's response.

I frowned when I saw who it really was.

From: Nora
call me.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, placing my phone back down on the bed.

Fuck off, I thought.

I was in way too good of a mood to let Nora ruin it.

Another buzz.

From: Nora
ok. you have 3 minutes to call me or else i email your girlfriend's school. I'm sure they'd love to know all about your inappropriate behavior.

My heart stopped.
And, she ruined it. I stand corrected.

I gulped and let out a sigh, now seeing I didn't have a choice.
I reluctantly dialed the dreaded number and put my phone up to my ear with a shaky hand. Nora answered right away with a devilish laugh.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." She sneered.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Nora." I tried to play it off. "Whatever you think you know."

"Oh," she hissed, "you and I both know exactly what I am talking about."

"I'm afraid I don't." I kept trying to play dumb.

"Oh, for God's sake, Luke." She snapped. "She bought a fucking dress from me. I got her full name, and from that it wasn't too hard to find out everything I needed to know about her. Social media accounts, too. Believe me, I studied well."

I pressed my tongue to my cheek, unsure of what to say. It didn't matter. She wasn't finished.

"Her name is Madeline Tate Miller." She practically sang, "Born and raised here in Washington State, it seems. She goes to East Seattle High, their mascot is a seagull, and oh, wait! That's where you have a student teacher gig, isn't it?"

I didn't dare speak a word.

"Looks like she's an artist, from what I can tell from her socials. How cute! She's been accepted to Seattle University. What will she study, you ask? Well from the sappy post she made informing her friends and family of the commitment, she'll be studying art and design. A bit cliche, but hey, whatever floats her boat."

"Oh, shut it." I scoffed, becoming defensive of my girl.

"She likes her coffee over ice, as I see from her Instagram. She likes partying with her high school friends. And, oh!" Nora mocked. "She likes my husband."

"So." I said blankly. "What's your move, then?"

"I tell administration everything." She replied.

"Tell them what, exactly?" I pressed on. "That you're a deranged, manipulative little cunt who, quite creepily for the record, spent your own time stalking one of their most successful students?"

"Don't try to gaslight me!" She said, growing angry on the other line. "I know everything, Luke! I heard her and her little friends talking about you in the dress shop!"

"And, what?" I challenged. "Did you record her? Do you have any proof that?"

"Well, I-"

"What proof do you have that I've done anything inappropriate?"

"I heard your name, Luke!"

"Sounds to me like you heard a couple of high school girls gossiping about their student teacher. Maybe a harmless little crush." I shrugged now, knowing I'd thrown her off. "Nothing out of the ordinary there."

I could picture her now, absolutely seething. It satisfied me.

"You won't get away with it." She said. "I'll get whatever proof I need."

"No you won't." I said. "And I'm not fucking scared of you."

And with that, I hung up.
A wave of relief washed over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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