29 • luke

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I put my phone down, and sighed.

"What's the matter, stud?" Calum asked.

We were at Ashton's house, enjoying some beers and watching an Impractical Jokers marathon.

"Nothing, really." I shrugged. "Madeline is dress shopping with her friends, for the Valentine's dance. She looks so beautiful. I don't know how the boys will keep their hands to themselves."

"Jealous?" Ashton smirked.

"Well, duh." I rolled my eyes, "I'm old. And lame."

"You're in college," Michael snorted, "that's way hotter to girls, than high school boys, you know?"

"Still." I huffed, "I hate the idea of all of those guys just waiting to prey on her, all night long. But I can't tell her not to go. That would be ridiculous."

"And selfish." Ashton added, "And childish."

"Yeah, yeah," I said, "I get it! Hey, remember when you were on my side instead of hers?" I joked.

He grinned, "Well then you let me meet her! Now I'm team Mads."

I threw a pillow at him.

"I have an idea!" Calum perked up.

I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? Let's hear it then."

"Sign up to chaperone."

I thought for a moment, "She'd kill me."


"I don't know," I crossed my arms, "she feels like I don't trust her, and that I treat her like a baby."

"Don't tell her." Calum shrugged. "Just watch her from afar."

"Okay, that's creepy." Ashton pointed.

"Well, I mean it!" Calum continued. "Chaperone the dance, if she sees you, she sees you. Just tell her you had to or whatever. But that way she can go have fun and you can keep the little boys away."

"You're evil." I laughed, "But tell me why I'm considering it?"

"Because you know it's a good idea!" He smirked.

I rubbed my face with one hand, and let out a long sigh. "It is a good idea. I'd feel better knowing she's okay."

"I think Madeline can take up for herself. She's a toughie. But, if it would make you feel better than I guess it wouldn't hurt." Michael chimed in. "When is this dance?"

"Saturday," I pouted, "so she won't be able to come over."

"Well, tomorrow is Friday. Can you two hang out then?"

I shook my head, "She has a job interview tomorrow, after school. Her mom said she needed to find a job, to practice responsibility before college, or something. She's got an interview at Captain Cheesie's. It's a pizza place, and an arcade. Her friend Cameron works there and helped her get an interview."

"Well, that'll be good for her." Ashton nodded, "Leave the poor girl alone. She has to have a life outside of you, you know?"

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