Chapter 4 - Netflix and Drift

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Soon, night fell, and Drift was getting visibly tired. He had a very long day, after all.
The team said their good-nights and headed off to their separate rooms.

Y/n and Drift went into Y/n's room. She opens her closet door and picks some clothes out, "I'll go get changed in the bathroom.. I'll be right back," she says.
Drift nods as he picks up the clothes Raptor let him borrow to change into.

Y/n walked out of the room and next door into the bathroom. She began to dress herself into her pajamas - a tank top with some cute shorts. Nothing too fancy. She put her hair up in a high ponytail to keep it from tangling (If you have short hair, you just brushed it), washed her face, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh! Y/n, there you are," Carbide says.
"Oh, hey, Bide. What's up?" she asks.
"You're.. okay with sharing a room with the kid, right?" he asks.
Y/n nods, "It's no big deal. I swear these rooms are bigger on the inside like they're straight out of Doctor Who or something," she laughs.
Carbide grins, "Okay. I'm glad. If anything weird happens i'll be more than happy to let Drift sleep in my room instead. The couch doesn't bother me," Carbide chuckles.
"Okay. Thanks, though! G'night, Bide." Y/n hugs him, "Goodnight, Y/n."

Y/n began to walk back to her bedroom when she noticed the bedroom door was almost wide open. She debated wether or not to knock or not, seeing as Drift would see her anyway. She was about to knock on the wall when she froze. He was standing in the middle of the room getting changed. He was slipping on his shirt. Y/n noticed how muscular he actually was - for such a young teen, he was really quite fit. She couldn't help but blush at the sight.

Moments later, Drift notices her at the door. He smirks and opens it, "You look like you're enjoying the view," he says.
"W-what view? No view here..." She mumbles.
Drift rolled his eyes and laughed, "You're a funny girl." He opens the door fully for her to get in and he sits down on the couch.

"O-okay. Since you're the guest, i'll let you sleep in my bed tonight. I'll sleep on the couch in here-"
"Not this again," he groans. "I'm sleeping on the couch and that's final. Get your ass in that bed," Drift says.
"Hey!" she tries to frown but just ends up laughing. "Alright, alright, fine. I don't want to argue anymore." She lays down in the bed and pulls the cold, sheen covers over herself.

She grabs the remote by her nightstand and turns her TV on.
"What do you wanna watch?" she asks.
"What do you have?" Drift replies, sitting up on the couch.
"Netflix, mostly. There's nothing good on this time of night." She starts switching through the channels when she stops on her favorite movie - Prepare For Collision.

"Sweet, I love this movie!" she exclaims.
"What is it about?" Drift asks.
"It's sort of based off of real events, but with a twist. It follows Omega as he breaks out of prison, and Carbide stopping him from destroying the map. If only that could happen in real life," Y/n frowns.

"Omega is a bad guy, I presume?" Drift asks.
Y/n nods, "Yeah. He's a real person, along with Carbide, of course. Omega refused to act in the movie, though, so they had an actor portray him. Carbide was actually in it, though."

"Really?! He never mentioned being an actor!" Drift exclaims.
"Yeah! He's really modest about it, though. Now, can you stop with the questions so we can enjoy the movie?" Y/n laughs.
"Yeah, sure."

Soon, the movie ended, and Drift loved every moment of it. "That was awesome!" he grins.
"I know, right?! I can't stop watching it! It's so good that they play it every single day at Risky Reels! Well, anyway, can you click the light off please?" she asks.
He nods and chucks one of her slippers at the light, knocking it off.

"Hey! That was my shoe!" Y/n pouts.
"I was too lazy to get up, can you blame me? Now toss me one of those blankets by you," Drift says.

She rolls her eyes and chucks him one of the blankets, smacking him right in the face.
"Thanks?" he says, chuckling.
"No problem, Drift. Goodnight," she says, turning on her side to fall asleep.
"G'night, Y/n."

Drift took off his dust mask and laid it by one of the small tables by the couch. He turned over facing the wall and fell asleep.

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