Chapter 5 - Raptor's Wake-Up Call

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The next morning arrived all too soon for the teens.
Poor Raptor was supposed to wake them up on that sunny Saturday morning. Y/n could be pretty gnarly when woken up earlier than she'd like, and if Drift was anything like Y/n, Raptor was completely screwed.

Raptor knocked on Y/n's door, "Y/n? Drift? Time to wake up," he called.
No response.
He knocked again, "Don't make me come in there!"
Once again, the room is silent.
Raptor groans, "Fine! I'm coming in!" Raptor opens the door and noticed that they're still sleeping - Y/n in her bed, and Drift on the couch by her TV. Raptor smirks, "I know what to do..." Raptor runs out of the room and comes back soon with two pans. He stands in the center of the room before banging them loudly against each other.

The loud and obnoxious noise scares both Y/n and Drift awake.
Y/n screams, "RAPTOR! WHAT THE FUCK!" she yells at him.
"What the shit, Raptor?!" Drift groans, falling back down and covering his ears with his pillow.
"You two wouldn't wake up!" Raptor exclaimed, dropping the pans.

"For God's sake, Raptor, I told you to wake the kids up not the entire fucking island!" John yells at him, walking into the room, rubbing his eye.
"I'm sorry John, I tried to stop him but he just knocked me over," Carbide says from behind him, huffing.

The three men leave the room and walk downstairs with John and Raptor bickering as per usual.
"Is Raptor always that obnoxious?" Drift groans, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"You get used to it," Y/n sighs. "Let's get some food."

The two sleep-deprived teens trudge downstairs to eat.
Carbide chuckles, "Wow. Did you two not sleep much? You only went up to bed at 11."
"Just because we went up to our room at 11 doesn't mean we went to sleep at 11," Drift yawns, getting his plate of pancakes which Carbide made.

"You never mentioned you were an actor, Mr. Carbide," Drift says, sitting down.
"Please, Carbide or Bide is fine," Carbide smiles, "I'm modest about it. I don't like bragging about stuff like that. But yes, I acted in a few movies. I acted in Blockbuster and Prepare For Collision, both coincidentally, cheesy superhero movies," he chuckles.
Y/n sits by Drift and they start eating.

"Since we're all here, I'll start by discussing what's on today's agenda. Raptor, you were originally going to go out and scout around Paradise since its so new, but since you so rudely woke up the kids this morning, you're on nightwatch duty for the weekend," John begins.
"What! John!" Raptor wines.
John raises a single finger to silence him, and Raptor pouts in response.

"Carbide, you and I are going on Tilted and Retail watch duty."
Carbide nods as he takes another mouthful of pancakes.

"Finally, Y/n, you're going to be teaching Drift how to build and shoot in the desert by Paradise, and if there's any time left over check around Paradise to see if anything unusual is going on. If there's something wrong, report back to the HQ immediately and contact one of us," John concludes.

"Sounds fun, Mr. Wick!" Drift smiles.
"John, would it be okay if Drift and I watched over Paradise on our.. on accord? If something goes wrong, we could take care of it just fine-" Y/n protests.
"No. There's where you're wrong, Y/n/n (your nickname). ONE of you could do something if something was wrong. Drift here wouldn't be able to help you enough since he's so new," John replies.
"What? I'm sure I can help, Mr. Wick, just let me-"
"I'll think about it," John sighs. "But don't expect me to jump up and down for joy screaming 'YES!' at the top of my lungs."
Raptor snickers. John hits him in the shoulder,
"John!" Raptor wines, "stop punching me, that hurts!"


Had to end it off at 666 words lmfao

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