Chapter 17 - A New Look

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The next morning came quickly.
Drift woke up first. He turned his head and saw Y/n sleeping peacefully beside him. His left arm was under her by her waist, keeping her close to him while her head laid on his chest. She had the covers covering her entirely, with just her head poking out. Drift admired her and smiled.

He looked over at her alarm clock on her bedside table which read 9:41 am. He kissed below her ear gently, "Hey, it's time to get up, love," he said softly.

Y/n stirred slightly, not wanting to get up. "I wanna cuddle more," she mumbled. Drift chuckled, "Alright, just 5 more minutes," he replied.

"Just 5 more minutes" quickly turned into an hour. Carbide knocked on their door, jolting Drift awake. He looked over at the clock and cursed under his breath, "Shit."
"Come in," he said.

Carbide walked in and paused, "Am I.. interrupting something?" he mumbled.
Drift blushed, "No. She uhm... had a nightmare?" Drift stammered.

"At least put a sock on the door," he mumbled. "Breakfast is ready, I made french toast."

Carbide turned to leave before stopping, facing Drift again.
"Please tell me that that wasn't a one night stand," Carbide asked.

At that moment, Y/n had woken up, and her cheeks heated up immensely. She pretended she was still asleep, she didn't want to have to explain this one to Carbide.
"Bide!" Drift groaned. "No! We didn't - we're just dating!"

Carbide put his hands up, "Okay, I'm just checking. I don't think John would appreciate having to be a god father for your child while you're still that young," Carbide walked out of the room and shut the door, walking downstairs.

Drift's cheeks heated up as he thought about what Carbide had said.

With Y/n...?
She would make a good mother...

Y/n turned over and opened her eyes, "Morning," she yawned.
Drift smiled and kissed her, "Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?"
She nodded, "Was Carbide in her earlier?"

Drift nodded, "Yeah, he thought we had sex and gave me a lecture," he laughed, blushing lightly.
Y/n blushed, "O-oh- sorry, that's embarrassing," she said.

"It's no problem, but I have to ask, what are we exactly?" Drift asked.
Y/n sat up, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, we're dating but I don't think we're official yet. Are you.. ready for a relationship?" he asked.

Y/n nodded, "Of course. I completely forgot about that.." she frowned. "I'm sorry."

Drift shrugged, "That's fine. Then in that case, will you be my girlfriend, Y/n?"
Y/n smiled and hugged him, "Yes, Drift, of course I'll be your girlfriend."

The couple went downstairs and ate breakfast as John read out the agenda for the day.

"Today is Drift's party, so we have no work today!" John smiled. "Steelsight, Venturion, Shadow Ops, Ventura, and of course the Detective Agency will be on alert since they can't come today," he continued.

"Who's coming?" Drift asked.
"Battlehawk, Teknique, Abstrakt, Valor, Zoey, Squad Leader, and Brite Bomber will be coming, along with Sun Strider, Rook, and Sledgehammer at the request of Y/n."

Drift smiled at her, "This party is gonna be epic.. thank you so much, you guys! I don't deserve your kindness."
"You deserve all of our kindness and more, Drift," Raptor pat him on the back, grinning, "You're one of us, Drift. You're family now." Drift grinned, "You guys are amazing."

"Before you guys go off and do whatever, we want to give you something, Drift," Carbide said, going downstairs to get something. He comes back with a box, placing it on the table in front of Drift.

Drift looked up at them confusedly, "This is for me?"
"Yeah, open it, Drift," John replied.

Drift opened the box and gasped, looking at what's inside. He took out the contents and grinned, "This... this is amazing! Oh my God, thank you guys so much!" He exclaimed.
"Put it on!" Y/n urged. He nodded and slipped on the cape before putting on the kitsune mask.

Y/n grinned, "Damn, Drift, you look amazing!"
"I look so badass in this," Drift grinned from under his new mask, "Thank you guys so much! I'm never taking this off," he laughed.

"Maybe the mask. I prefer seeing your face," Y/n giggled.
"D'awwww, you guys are so in love it's sick," Raptor laughed.

"Well, you two kids go out and have fun. Just don't get kidnapped this time?" John laughed, "We're gonna set up for the party. Be back before 5!"
"Got it!" Y/n yelled back to John.

The teens go outside to walk around Lonely for a bit while they wait for the party to be set up.


lol i want a drift as a boyfriend >w<

Also: Drift from now on will always be wearing stage 4, which is the cape + mask but not with the lightning effects. that's still coming after the BIG thing happens. Which is also coming.

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