Chapter 9 - Jealous?

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Drift walked downstairs, yawning. It was around 10 am - John would've liked them up at the crack of dawn, but he understood that teens need their sleep. He walked by Y/n, who was eating a bowl of cereal by the couch, "Morning, Y/n/n," Drift says, walking to the kitchen.

Y/n looks up and nearly chokes on her food. Drift turns and looks at her confusedly, "Are you alright?"
Y/n coughs and puts down her bowl on the side table, "I'm fine. Sorry, you just - scared me..?" she replies, it coming out as more of a question than a reply.
Drift chuckles, "Alright."

Y/n sighs and gets her bowl again, eating more carefully this time.
'Why did him walking downstairs shirtless surprise me so much?'

Drift walks back into the living room and sits down beside Y/n, leaning back onto the couch and crossing his legs. He starts to eat his cereal and looks over at Y/n, "Are you sure you're alright?" he asks. Y/n nods, "I'm okay. I just.. didn't realize you slept shirtless last night," she mumbles, half looking at him and half looking at the tv. Drift chuckles, "You're lucky, most of the time I sleep naked."

Y/n starts coughing abruptly, his comment taking her by complete surprise. Drift laughs and continues to eat.

Eventually, 11:30 rolled around and it was time for Y/n and Drift to head to Paradise Palms to help out with the damage Omega's goons had caused. The two had packed up and were on their way, with Drift driving this time.

"So... who was that babe being interviewed by the pool yesterday? I forgot to ask," Drift says.
Y/n side eyes him, "Excuse me, what?"
"I dunno her name, but the girl who was on lifeguard duty," he says.

"Sun Strider," Y/n says with a hint of jealousy in her voice.
"Are we gonna see her today?" Drift asks.
"I don't know, probably?" Y/n answers, crossing her arms. "Why does it matter?"
"I dunno," Drift shrugs, turning into Paradise Palms. "Just thought she was cute, thats all."
Y/n rolls her eyes and doesn't answer, looking outside watching the cacti fly past them as Drift sped down the road.

About 10 minutes later, they arrived and parked by Hotel 23. They got out of the car and Y/n checked her phone, "Mr. Wick says that he wants one of us to work at the Hotel and the other to help with some of the other retail stores..." she begins.
But Drift wasn't listening. He already wandered inside, looking for Sun Strider, presumably.

Y/n rolled her eyes and groaned, "Drift!" she yelled. "Oh, forget it," she sighs, "I guess I'll take some of the stores." She walked across the street to a car dealership and began to help clean up around there.

Y/n had spent the past 10 minutes working without a single word from Drift. She picked up a trash bag and was about to move it outside when she ran into someone - falling over and dropping the bag.

"Watch it!" she snaps, clearly in a bad mood. Y/n looks up and gasps, then frowns. "Zoey! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that was you!" she sighs. She picks herself up and helps her up, then hugs her. "It's been so long! How are you, Zoe?" Y/n asks.

Zoey smiles, "Hey girl! I know, it's been way too long. Just decided to come around and help out. Those two really did a number around here, yeah?" she replies, her New York/Harley Quinn-esque accent heavy.

"Definitely," Y/n frowns, "Mr. Wick put Drift and I on clean up duty since we were supposed to be on watch duty here yesterday," she says.

"Isn't he that blonde cutie over there talking to Sunny?" Zoey tilts her head and Y/n looks over. Out the window, she sees Sun Strider and Drift talking and laughing about something, not getting any work done at all. Y/n gasps and glares at him.

"That son of a -" she curls her fists and gets ready to storm her way over to give that gorgeous spiked-hair boy a piece of her mind.

"Hold on there, bugaboo," Zoey grabs her shoulder and holds her back, "Why does it matter that Drift is talking to some girl?" She chews on her bubblegum, waiting for the jealous girl's answer.

She looks at her, then back at Drift, and fell silent.
"Why does it bother me so much?"
"I-" she opens her mouth to say something, but stops. "I don't know, Zoey. I really don't. It just ticks me off for some reason. Plus, we were supposed to be working together all day. Now he's just flirting with Sun Strider!" she sighs.

Zoey smirks, "I think I know why~" she sing-songs. She puts her hand on her hip as Y/n looks at her confusedly, "Why do you think I'm upset about it?" She crosses her arms.
"You like Drift."

Her eyes go wide as she blushes lightly, "What? No I don't!"
"You're blushing!" she laughs, "You totally do, girl. Couldn't blame ya, he's total eye candy. You mean to tell me you've been living with him all week and haven't hit it once?"

She blushes deeper, "ZOE!" she groans. "Of course not! He's just a.. friend," she replies, sighing a little.
Just a friend.

"Uh-huh. And if he was just a friend, you wouldn't've blushed at the thought of sex with him, or me mentioning him being cute and you getting protective," Zoey replies. "Think. You may not like him now, but you better scoop him up fast before Sun Strider does it before you." Zoey pats her back as Y/n feels a wave of sadness over take her simply by looking at the pair.

"I gotta go, girlie. I've got a date!" Zoey smiles. "Text me when you're home, we gotta get together sometime. Maybe get a pizza," Zoey waves and begins to skip out of the store.

Y/n frowns, thinking about what Zoey said to her. She thinks back to when she first met him.

When you walked in on him changing, you found yourself checking him out.
You felt so proud of yourself when he complimented you on your skills - more so then when any normal person did.
When he called himself sexy, you thought that he was, too.
This morning you felt nervous but also somewhat blessed to see him walk around shirtless and playfully joking with you.
Now, you were jealous of Sun Strider.

Y/n groans as she realized that Zoey was right:
she did have a crush on Drift, the Boy from Another World.


Well, you have a crush on Drift now. But does he like you or Sun Strider?
Just a friend
j U s T a F r I e N d

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