Chapter 32 - The Cube's Plan

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It was the dead of night, around 3 AM.

Drift got out of bed, wide awake. He got dressed, putting on his shirt, jacket, overcoat and mask. He looked over at Y/n and sighed deeply knowing what he had to do.

"Maybe I could just see if Leviathan or someone could get this fucking symbiote out of me..." Drift thought to himself.

"You know I can hear your thoughts still, right?" Kevin says. "I am not a symbiote. And, also, don't even try it. Plus, quite frankly, I'm disgusted at what I had to witness earlier. You humans do that for fun... revolting," Kevin groaned.

Drift shook his head and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly.

"You shut up! You're living in my brain, what I do with my girlfriend is none of your business," Drift hisses. "Gonna call you Venom from now on, Jesus," Drift sighed.

"If Y/n walks in, she's going to be very confused as to why you're talking to yourself like this," Kevin chuckled. "And I suppose Venom is a fine nickname."

"It would be so much easier if you would just be outside my head," Drift sighed.

"No can do. Gotta make sure you're not planning anything. I hope you spent your time wisely. It's time to go, Drift." Kevin replied.

Drift fell silent.

Today was the last day he had seen Y/n for God knows how long, and it broke him. Sure they spent the night just how they had wanted to, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't fair. After everything the poor girl had gone through just because of him, it wasn't right of him to just leave out of the blue.

"Do I really have to do this?"

"Would you rather her, you, and the SSDT dead? Didn't think so. Now move before I take over and do it for you," Kevin warned.

"Okay, okay!" Drift mumbled. He walked out of the bathroom and walked back over to their bed where Y/n still slept peacefully. He admired her for a moment before leaning down and kissing her forehead gently, "I love you. I'll see you soon, baby... I promise." he said quietly. He stroked her hair gently before leaving, fighting back the urge to stay.

He walked outside the motel and sighed.

"Alright. Keep your word and don't hurt her," Drift said. He closed his eyes and let Kevin take control. He gasped as he felt his physical form leave his body. Kevin soon took full control over Drift's body, leaving Drift to float unbound. He suddenly turned into a purple shadow figure, much like what Kevin looked like before he possessed Drift.

Drift breathed heavily, and looked down at his new form. "What the fuck?!" he shouted. He looked over and saw Drift - rather, Kevin in his body - stare back at him. The once pink lightning effects on his outfit and mask had turned a deep purple as Kevin admired the change.

"Perfect..." he grinned from under the mask. "Now, to summon Enforcer," Kevin said. With that, he teleported him and Drift away to Wailing Woods.

Once they get there, Drift realized that he's no longer a shadow form - and that he was back in his body.

"What the-"

"Now you know how I felt," Kevin smirked.

"So now I'm a prisoner to my own body and I have to watch you do whatever the fuck you were planning with me?!" Drift yelled.

"Indeed. Now sit back and relax, Drifty."

At that moment, a huge crack appeared in the sky, and a cloaked figure appeared in front of them.

"Enforcer," Kevin smiles coldly. "Welcome to the Island. Did you bring him with you?"
"Who the hell are you?" he asked warningly, reaching for his shotgun.

"Who do you think?" Kevin smirked. He took off the mask and revealed his glowing purple eyes - a sign that he's The Cube.

"Oh," Enforcer stopped and puts the gun back, "Sorry, My Lord."
"It's fine. I didn't expect you to recognize me at first in this body, anyway," Kevin mumbled, putting Drift's mask back on.

"And no, but he'll be here any..."
The Rift that Enforcer came out of opened again, and this time, the Visitor walked out of it.
"minute." Enforcer grinned as the Visitor stood beside him.

"Hello, My Lord. It is nice to finally meet you," the Visitor said, his robotic voice harsh and broken.
"What is my purpose here again? Was my job not finished with the rocket launch?" he asked.
"Indeed it was, but I need you here for the next phase of my plan..." Kevin said.

"Enforcer, you are going to make sure that my vessel, The Cube, is able to get to Loot Lake by September 19th. Visitor, you are going to help him and stay under cover. Do whatever you have to do to make sure that it gets to the Lake, alright?" Kevin said.
"Okay, My Lord," Enforcer said.

"But what about the body you're in?"
"Drift?" Kevin laughed. "He's gonna die the moment I say so. I would love to mess around with the Super Star Danger Team beforehand, though," he grinned. "But work before play."

"What happens after The Cube gets to the Lake?" Visitor asked.
"It will dissolve into the Lake and turn it into an oobleck-esque, jello-y mess. And then, on September 27th, stage 5 can begin, which I call, The Sixth Season."

"According to my built-in watch, My Lord, we don't have much time left until the season ends, only 3 weeks. Will that be enough time?"

"More than enough. Now I just have to keep this act up for as long as possible so the others don't get too suspicious..." Kevin sighed.

"What happens after stage 5? What are the others?" Enforcer asked.
"Well, after stage 5 begins, stage 6 is re-absorbing the energy needed, stage 7 is where the fun begins... but that's a secret," Kevin smirked.

"Now, go and do your job. I'll be hiding out in the bunker here so nobody doing some inside work. You know what to do."
Enforcer and Visitor nod and they leave Kevin,

"Youre fucking sick," Drift growled.
"I know~" Kevin laughs.
"Enjoy the ride, Drifty."



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