Chapter 6 - Learning the Ropes

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After finishing their breakfast and dressed and ready for the day, Y/n and Drift headed out for Drift's training.

Y/n and Drift sit down in the team's ATK and Y/n puts the key in the ignition.
"Why can't I drive?" Drift asks.
"You're new. I know how to drive this thing," Y/n says.

"My name is Drift for a reason, you know," Drift says.
"You'll be allowed to drive it in due time. Plus, it's for SSDT members only," Y/n winks, starting the car. Drift crosses his arms and huffs, "I'll show you how damn good i am at driving," he mumbles.

Y/n giggles, "You're pouting."
"Am not!" Drift protests.
"Are too!" Y/n shakes her head, laughing, keeping her eyes on the road. "Tell you what. I'll take you to the race track after we practice and you can show me your skills. How's that sound?"
Drift grins, "Perfect! I'll show you who's an amazing driver."
"Uh-huh, how about we race then once we get there if you're so confident?" Y/n challenges.
"Fine by me," he smirks behind his mask.

Eventually the pair arrive by Paradise Palms. She parks the car and the two walk out into the deserted area at the outskirts of Paradise. Y/n sets up the targets and everything else, leaving Drift by himself to look around.

He looked at the city and sighed, reminding himself of home, Earth. He found himself slightly missing it, even though he had no family and all of his friends had left him.

"Drift? Hello? I've been calling for you for the last-" Y/n says, stopping seeing how sullen he looked.
"...Drift? Are you okay?"
Drift snaps out of his memories and turns his attention to Y/n.
"No, I'm sorry, I'm fine. I was just thinking. Is the practice arena ready?" Drift asks.
Y/n nods. She hands him over an epic Scar, herself holding one as well. "Follow me."

"Have you ever held a gun before?" she asks. Drift shakes his head no.
"Okay. Hold it like this-" She puts the gun in his hands the right way, and shows him where to rest his hands.
"Like that?"
"Perfect," she smiles. "Now, pull this trigger right here to fire. Press it once to shoot a single bullet, press and hold to shoot multiple. Make sense?"

"Yeah, but how do I aim right?" Drift asks.
"This," Y/n points to the barrel, "you bring it somewhat closer to your eyes and look through it. If you line it up through the barrel, it'll be easier to shoot with. Try hitting the targets."
Drift nods and looks through the barrel, and shoots.

He missed only a few out of the 30 bullets, which greatly impressed the girl.
"Nice shooting, Tex!" Y/n laughs.
"Thanks! Are all the weapons like this?" Drift asks, smiling under his dust mask.
"Pretty much! Shotguns are obviously only meant for close encounters, assault rifles like that scar are for medium range, and snipers are to-"
"Snipe. Duh. I've played Call of Duty before," Drift laughs.
"What's that?" Y/n asks.
"...Video game. Not important. What else am I learning today?" Drift says.

"Let's start on building. Building is extremely important, it can make or break a battle," she explains. She drops him some 200 materials of each, "Try building a wall."
"Are you shitting me? That's gonna take me ages!" Drift groans.
"You may think so, but no. Watch me," Y/n smiles.

She pulls out a blueprint sheet and chose wood. Rushing forward, she placed stairs and then a wall behind it, and built upwards. She quickly turned and placed a floor beneath her, spinning around and placing 4 walls encasing her. Placing a staircase at her feet, she ran up the ramp and repeated the process a few more times before placing a floor, and building up again. She then whipped around edited a roof piece, making it turn into a cornered roof piece. She placed it and two walls beside it, and made a spiral-staircase sort of build. Once she almost ran out of mats, she dropped down from the tower, placing a floor every once in awhile to negate fall damage.
Her shoes hit the ground and she exhaled, looking at Drift, smiling.
"Not hard at all."

Drift stared at her in complete shock, him at a complete loss for words.
"What the-how in the fu-what?!" he stuttered, gobsmacked at what just happened.

She burst out into a fit of laughter, "I told you it was easy! All it is is mind control. You think of where you want to put the piece, and it'll appear in front of you. It's pretty damn amazing if you ask me," she answers. "You try."

Drift turns his attention from her to the ground in front of him. He goes begins to concentrate, and places a brick wall. He gasps, "I did it!"
"Good job!" Y/n laughs.

He's acting like a little child, but it was cute. Y/n blushed a little, "Try building a room like I did."
Drift nodded and placed a ramp, and 4 walls beside him. He jumped up and placed a floor beneath him, and repeated it. Once he was done, he dropped down, but took fall damage.

"Ow! Jesus, that hurt," he groans, clutching his knee.
"Yikes, that looked like it hurt..." Y/n frowned. "Thankfully i brought a medkit. Take this," she chucks him a medkit and he takes it, fixing himself up.
"You're a really fast learner, Drift," Y/n smiles. "We finished early so... up for a race?" She smirks.
Drift grins, "You bet, Y/n/n."


I AM SO FUCKING SORRY FOR THE WAIT!! I cant stress how sorry I am enough. Im double updating tonight to make up for it. I honestly have no excuse for waiting so long to update besides laziness, that and I've been so distracted by the game Paladins that I haven't been on fortnite much at all. Again, I'm so sorry. I hope the chapters are worth the wait xx

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