Chapter 16 - The Price to Pay

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Drift watched Ragnarok walk away, when Raven appeared beside Drift.

Drift visibly jumped, since Raven literally appeared out of nowhere.

"Jesus, where the hell did you come from?" Drift mumbled, looking for a way down the mountain.
"S..Sorry," Raven said. His voice was wispy and sounded broken, like he hadn't spoken for years. Drift raised a brow, not expecting a voice like that to come from Raven's mouth. "I normally don't speak english, so i'm sorry if my prononciation is off," he explained. "Omega's letting me take you home."

Drift sighed, "Alright, let's go, then. I want to go home." Raven nodded and he showed Drift the way back.

After a 20 minute walk, the two had arrived at Shifty. Drift groaned, "This is bullshit, I'm calling an uber-" Drift growled, pulling out his phone to call one.
"What is an... uber?" Raven asked.

Drift sighed, "Forget it. Do you guys have a taxi service or something here?"
Raven shrugged, "Don't think so. Omega doesn't let me out of the HQ. I haven't walked this island fully in ages."

Drift looked at him skeptically, silent. "Uh-huh. Well, I'm tired of walking. There has got to be a car here somewhere!" Drift exclaimed.
"Grab my hand. Don't tell anyone I did this."
Drift looked at Raven confusedly before grabbing his hand.

Immediately, Raven melted into the shadows where he gains unmatchable speed and the ability to phase through things.
"Don't let go!" Raven shouted, the wind flying past the duo deafening Drift's ears.

Drift clutched Raven's hand tightly, afraid to let go.

Drift looked around and sees the island fly past him. They were flying a million miles a minute it felt - everything was going by so fast, Drift couldn't even tell where they were. And within seconds, they reached the entrance of the HQ.

Raven turned back to normal, leaving Drift's legs wobbly from the transformation. He regained balance before laughing, "That was freaking amazing, Raven!" he exclaimed. "Do you and Ravage always travel like that??"

Raven shrugged, "I guess. But before you go, Drift, I must warn you. I asked Omega to let me take you home so i could talk to you without fear of Omega, Omen, or Ragnarok listening in," Raven began. Drift crossed his armed and nodded for Raven to continue.

"I'm on neutral sides. I never wanted to join Omega's cult, but I had no choice. It was serve him, or loose my family. The first time I made a mistake, he cursed me to speak within whispers that only he and people he selected could understand, my sister Ravage included," Raven explained. "I don't want to work for Omega anymore. I'm gonna do everything I can to help you and the SSDT out, but I just need time. I want to help you guys, not take you guys down. I swear on my life," Raven finished.

Drift smiled, "Don't worry, man. I'll let Mr. Wick know and we'll try and help you, too."
Raven smiles, even though Drift couldn't see it through the darkness where his face was.
"I'll see you soon, Drift. Be careful."

With that, Raven melted into the shadows whilst calling out - "Remember what Ragnarok said!" and he was gone.

Drift sighed and turned to face the HQ. He walked up to the door and was about to knock when it opened. Y/n walked out from the door and ran straight into Drift - almost knocking him over.

"What the - Drift?" Y/n gasped.
"Oh my God, DRIFT! YOU'RE OKAY!" she yelled, making Drift laugh. She hugged him quickly, squeezing him tightly, "You're okay..." she breathed.

He hugged her back, "I'm okay. Don't worry, I'm fine, love."
"Where did you go? What happened?" Y/n asked, looking up into his gorgeous golden brown eyes.

"I was-"
Drift remembered Ragnarok's warning and stops immediately. He lets his hand fall to rest at her waist, "Uhm... I.. i cant remember," he mumbled. "I don't remember anything," he lied.

Y/n sighed, hugging him again, "I'm so sorry. Let's get inside, I was literally about to sneak out to go find you," she laughed a little.

After showing John, Carbide, and Raptor that Drift was okay, the teens headed upstairs for some well deserved rest. Drift was absolutely exhausted after the day he had.

He slipped on a white t-shirt and sleeping shorts that he bought at the store, and laid back on the couch, sighing. He took off his mask and chucked it on the table beside him.

Y/n walked back into their room after changing into her pajamas and sat down on her bed.
"I'm sorry our first date didn't end the way a normal date should've," she murmured, looking at him sadly.

Drift's shrugged, "Not your fault. Neither of us knew I was gonna get kidnapped. Don't blame yourself for it," Drift replied.

"I can't help but feel bad, if I hadn't asked you out-" she started to say.
Drift shook his head and stood up, sitting beside her on her bed. He hugged her, "Don't say that. It is not your fault, by any means, okay?" He stopped hugging her and grabbed her hand. "Stop blaming yourself for things that aren't your fault, alright?"

She nodded, resting her head on his chest. He rubbed her shoulder gently before kissing her forehead, "It's sweet how much you care, honestly. No one's ever cared about me this much before," he said.

She looked up at him and frowned. "That's not right. And of course I care about you, I love you, Drift," she replied.
Drift smiled and blushed lightly, before kissing her softly.
"I love you, too."
She smiled before escaping his grasp and laying down on her bed.

Drift started to get up and turn off the light, heading back to the couch.

"Drift?" she asked.
"You don't need to sleep on the couch anymore," she said.

"Where else would I sleep?" Drift chuckled.
"You can sleep in my bed. I-if you want, that is," Y/n replied, her face heating up.

Drift's cheeks heat up as well as he walked over to her bed and laid down beside her, "I don't see the harm." He kisses her cheek after getting under the sheets.

Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled up close to him. She laid her head on his chest, "Goodnight, Drift. I love you," she said, her eyelids getting heavy.

"Goodnight, Y/n/n, i love you, too," he replied. He rested his hand on her waist while he plays with her hair with his other hand, and eventually they fall asleep, completely exhausted.

The Boy from Another World || Drift || B1 || ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz