A/N: I love you guys.

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I am really sad that this book is over, honestly. I've been writing fanfics since 2014 and never have i ever felt such a connection with my fanbase before until this one. Every night I got a new idea and I was absolutely pumped to write the next chapter and continue this story.

After starting to find that I myself loved Drift a lot, I decided to take an old story i wrote for myself, revamp it, and turn it into what you know and love. I never, EVER thought that this story would get to be as popular as it is. (17k isn't that big but for me it is. My biggest book, Regardless, blew up and has 123k. Maybe this one will, too? 🤞🏻) It blew up in my face and I honestly don't understand why.

I consider myself very lucky and blessed to have such amazing readers like you guys. I consider you guys my friends, honestly. Every day I wake up and am excited to see the comments you guys leave on the newest chapter. I read every comment and I love interacting with you guys. Though I am in no way famous, you guys make me feel important. I've fallen in love with writing because you guys have let me know how much you love my work. You help me continue to push myself artistically and because of that, I have decided that I am making a second book.

The second book's plot line is currently being thought of, but I am so excited for it. You guys wanted it so you get it. I initially thought of foregoing a second book, but I think I have a good enough plot line to keep you guys happy.

I am going to warn you now - I doubt it will be as long as this one has been. (This the longest book i've ever made - my longest being 26 chapters) I will do my best to write it as well or even better than this one.

I will push myself with this one to make sure you guys are happy with it. In the end, all I want to do is make you guys as happy as you have made me. It may sound sappy, but it's true. I love you all so much. You've helped me learned something about myself that I had no idea about - my love for writing. I used to write on the side, but writing this book was an experience. If digital arts doesn't work out for me, I think I would want to take up professional writing as a possible career choice. The interaction with fans through the world's i've created just sound so amazing to me.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for all the support you guys have given me throughout writing this book. I love every single one of you and I hope i make you guys proud with book 2.

Their journey is far from over.

And on a completely u̶n̶related note, would Power be a suitable last name for Drift? 🤔💍(Lachlan fans will know why I'm thinking this)

See you in book 2,

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