Chapter 37 - Finally Free

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Drift closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He knew it was time to finish what Kevin started. Deep down he knew that what this would do could possibly kill him, and though it scared him to death, he would gladly lay down his life for his lover and their friends.

Drift looked at the gigantic cube at the end of the pier and began making his way towards it - preparing to sign away the rest of his life.

"Drift?" Y/n murmured, getting enough strength to stand up again. Raptor came rushing to her side to help her stay steady.

"What the hell just happened?! We saw Drift push you, are you okay?" Raptor asked hurriedly, visibly concerned.

"I'm fine, Raptor," Y/n said quickly, "Drift! What are you doing?! Get away from that thing!" she shouted.

Drift fought back the urge to run away and run back to Y/n and the SSDT.

"Don't you dare."

Drift sighed and continued to walk forward, fear beginning to take over him.

"DRIFT!" Y/n yelled.

"Don't let him touch it!" John hollered to Y/n.

Y/n nodded and squirmed out of Raptor's arms, and rushed to Drift.

"Drift, you have to stop!" She said quickly, grabbing onto his bicep. Drift stopped and refused to meet her gaze, sighing deeply.

"Y/n, you have to let me go," he said quietly, his voice broken from holding in his emotions. "I have to do this alone."

"Kevin doesn't control you, Drift. You can't let him use you like this. You're so much stronger than this..." Y/n said, tears coming to her eyes.

"I-i have no choice. I'll either die saving you, or have you and the team die because I was too selfish. I won't let you get hurt. Please, let me do this," Drift said. He looked absolutely distraught and completely torn, and it broke Y/n's heart.

"W-wait... die..?" Y/n let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

Drift nodded his head sullenly, "He needs my earth energy. I'm only doing this to save you and the island. It's what's best for everyone..." He looked down, refusing to meet her eyes again. He knew if he looked at them again, he wouldn't be able to resist staying with her.

"No... NO!" she shouted quickly, hugging him tightly, "I won't let you die for us! There has to be another way!" tears began to flow freely down her cheeks and onto his glowing cape.

Drift broke, and held his distraught girlfriend tightly, "I have no choice. I refuse to let you die."

"And I refuse to let you die!" she cried to him, crying into his cape. "P-please. Listen to me, Drift. You can't let Kevin control you like this! He's using you! He's going to take your power and kill us all regardless!" Y/n shouted to him, fighting through the tears.

Drift flinched slightly over the volume of her voice. He could tell she was deeply hurt by this, and so was he. She was crying and yelling - all because of him, and it broke him.

"What do you expect me to do?! Risk it?" Drift retorted, looking down into her eyes, tuning out Kevin's grumbling.

"I expect you to be the amazing man I know you are, that doesn't take shit from anybody no matter what, including him!" Y/n said, putting on a brave face. "You don't need him and he doesn't need you. I need you," Y/n said as she started to cry again.

Drift's eyes began to glisten again as the severity of what was about to go down hit him harshly, like a slap in the face.

"You can fight him. You can get through this without falling to his will, Drift. I love you, and I believe in you."

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