Chapter 18 - The Party

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5 pm rolled around and it was time for the party. The HQ was prepped, the guests had arrived, and it was time to party till Saturday morning.

Drift walked around with Carbide as he introduced him to the other members. There were more members of the SSDT than just John, Raptor, Carbide, Y/n, and now Drift. They were just the ones that lived at the HQ and worked more than the others.

Y/n walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water when she ran into someone, spilling soda all over her shirt.

Y/n gasped and put her cup down quickly, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I'll clean that up for you-"
The girl laughed, "Oh, no, that's okay Y/n, I got it. I was about to change out of this old thing anyway, I didn't have enough time to change after I went off duty," she said.
Y/n looked up, it was Sun Strider.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sun Strider, now i feel even worse," she sighed.
"Why?" Sunny asked.

The girl paused for a moment, "I want to apologize for how I acted at the Motel," she began. "It's just... I had got to know Drift so quickly and I guess I just felt threatened by you. I thought he was gonna replace me with you and I didn't want that. Then Zoey made me realize I actually liked Drift in a romantic way and I acted even worse towards you. I'm so sorry, Sunny," she sighed, "I hope you can forgive me."

Sunny smiled before hugging her, "Water under the bridge. Trust me, I knew you were just jealous. I mean, if I saw someone as beautiful as you talking to my boyfriend Sun Tan Specialist I would've acted the same way. Girls get jealous easy, trust me, I know," Sunny grinned. "I hope we can be friends. You seem really cool and I'd love to get to know you better."

Y/n smiled, "That would be awesome. And Drift said you suggested a double date... I think that would be fun," you reply.
"We'll definitely have to plan it then!" Sunny added.

The girls chat for a bit longer before parting ways, both looking for their boyfriends. While Y/n was looking, someone hugged her from behind, startling her. She squealed when she saw who it was, "Zoey!"

"Hey girlie!" Zoey grinned, "Sorry we haven't hung out since the Paradise incident! Been busy," she sighed. "But I have to ask - was I right about you and Drift?" she smirked.

Y/n blushed lightly before nodding.
"We've been dating for a few weeks and made it official today," she answered.

Zoey squealed, "I ship!" she yelled. The two of you laugh. "You two are so cute together."
"Thanks, Zoe!" she replied. "I'm actually gonna go find him now-"

"Hey, Y/n," Drift said from behind her, making her jump.
"My God! Everyone keeps sneaking up on me today!" she laughed. Drift chuckled before kissing her forehead. "Sorry, just wanted to see where you were," he replied.

"Oh, Drift, this is Zoey, she's my best friend on the island," Y/n introduced them.
"Pleasure," Zoey smiled, shaking his hand.

"Aww, aren't I your best friend?" Drift pouted and laughed. Y/n hit his arm playfully, "Oh, hush. She's my best friend, you're my boyfriend, there's a difference," she winked.
"Ugh. Love, it makes me sick sometimes," Zoey giggled. "I'll leave you two to smooch or whatever you were planning on doing," she skipped away, leaving the two of you to laugh at her comment.

"She seems fun," Drift said.
"She is. You took your mask off?" Y/n comments. Drift nodded, "Mr. Wick wants me to wear it only in battle, but there's no way in hell he's keeping me from wearing this badass cape all the time," Drift laughed. Y/n giggles, "I'm glad, I much prefer seeing your face," she replied.

"Would you rather me not wear my dust mask, too?" Drift asked.
She shook her head no, "No, I know how much you love it. Plus, I think it's sexy. It adds a bit of mystery to your vibe," she said.
Drift chuckled, "I never thought of it that way."
"Most people don't, I just have a thing for guys in masks like that," she laughed.

"Should I keep you away from Raptor then?" Drift smirked.
"Ew, no!" Y/n laughed. "You're the only guy I want." She pulled down his mask so she could kiss his lips.
"Let's go enjoy the rest of the party."


Later that night, Drift was changing into his night clothes. Suddenly, his vision went all wonky. His pupils dilated as he suddenly was "teleported" out of his room and face to face with Ragnarok.

Ragnarok crossed his arms looking completely displeased.
"Your time's almost up, Drift," he warned. "Have you made your decision yet?"

Drift stopped for a moment, "Actually, I've been thinking... do you think you could reconsider this...? I mean, bringing the SSDT and Y/n into this is a bit extreme-" Drift tried to say.


Drift flinches at his raised voice, "He does not wish to bring harm to this place, but if he needs to, he won't hesitate to burn this place to the ground," Ragnarok said.

"What do you have to do with this guy? He sounds perfectly capable without you," Drift challenged.
"He only needs me to bring him here. Once He's here, he will have no use for me anymore," Ragnarok said. "This is the only way I can get home, and you can. Choose wisely, Drift. This island's being depends on your decision, and so does your loved one's lives."

Drift regained control and he realized he's back in his room, standing in the middle of it feeling completely dazed.

"Drift? Are you okay?" Y/n asked from the door way.

He turned around, "What? Yeah, I'm okay. Just zoned out for a sec," Drift replied, keeping what just happened a secret.


No double update this time, but i'm sorry I skipped yesterday! 💔

The Boy from Another World || Drift || B1 || ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ