Chapter 8 - Trouble in Paradise (Palms)

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Y/n parked the golf cart in the garage and the two walked into the house, laughing at a joke she told the boy.
"A-and he had no idea where his suit was??" Drift asks while laughing.
"Not a clue!" Y/n giggles, "Bide's reaction was priceless!"

"Ahem," a deep voice calls. Y/n and Drift turn the corner and see an angry John Wick, sitting down on the couch with his arms crossed.
"Oh, hey, Mr. Wick," Y/n smiles, "What's wrong?"
"Come with me. Both of you," he says, coldly, getting up and walking downstairs. Drift exchanges a worried look towards Y/n and she shrugs, and the teens follow him downstairs.

John walks over to the Computer and presses a button, "Computer, replay on the map hologram screen the news report from an hour ago."
The teens turn their attention from John to the screen, and Y/n gasps.

"Moments ago in Paradise Palms, a player whom we've now identified as Scoundrel along with Rapscallion broke into multiple stores at Paradise and broke into many homes, stealing items worth thousands of V-Bucks to fully replace. They were last reported at the Hotel pool. We have Sun Strider, the life guard on duty, here with us." The news reporter stated.

"Miss Strider, can you please tell us what happened?" the reporter asked her.
"I was just on duty as per normal when I heard a shotgun being fired. I turned around and I saw Rapscallion and Scoundrel pointing guns at me and my hotel guests demanding money. I immediately got up to fight then and drew out my gun, but as soon as they saw I had a gun they made a break for it. I couldn't see where they went," Sun Strider replies.

The reporter nods, "Thank you, Miss Strider. There you have it, folks - Omega's minions are back at it again, this time terrorizing Paradise Palms. The Super Star Danger Team has been notified and are hurrying to catch these criminals. Be careful out there. and contact the police if you see any trace of these two criminals."

The report clicks off, and John turns around and faces the teens, glaring daggers down at them.
Y/n gulped and internally slapped her forehead, "You idiot!" she groaned.

"Mr. Wick-" she began.
"If you two had followed orders like I told you to this wouldn't've happened!" John yells. "I told you, as soon as you're done training Drift, you were to either report back home or watch over Paradise until 5PM, not whatever you teens were up to!" he groans.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Wick, I-"
"Who's idea was it? Where did you two go? Huh?" John asks, glaring at the two of them.
The two are silent before Y/n sighs, "It's my fault, Mr. Wick."
Drift cuts her off, "No, Mr. Wick, it was mine. I made a joke that I could drive better and faster than her, and we decided to go to the race track afterwards so I could prove it. We ended up racing and it took up the rest of the time that we should've and would've spent watching over Paradise. I'm so sorry, Mr. Wick. I'll take the punishment, please leave her out of this. It's completely on me, I distracted her," Drift answers John, his head hanging low in shame, his hands in his pockets.

Y/n's heart melts seeing him take a bullet for her. She smiles softly and puts his arm around him, "Thanks, Drift, but we're both in the wrong here. I should've told you we would race after watching over Paradise, not before. I'm sorry, too, Mr. Wick," Y/n replies.

"Hmm," John hums, "If what you two are saying is the honest truth, then thank you. I should've known better than to let two carefree teens handle such a duty," he groans, lightly face palming. "No matter. What's done is done. Your punishment, I've decided, is to help repair the damage at Paradise. You start tomorrow until it's completely fixed, like nothing ever happened. You start at noon and come back at 3, and whatever you don't finish you do the next day until it's done. Understand?" John orders. The teens nod, "Yes, Mr. Wick."
"Good. You're dismissed, go eat dinner. Raptor begged for Durrrburgers. Again," John sighs, walking into his office area, leaving them alone.

Y/n sighs, "Thanks for doing that, Drift, but you really didn't have to," Y/n smiles softly up at him. "Don't sweat it, Y/n/n. It was mostly my fault anyway. I can get really competitive really fast," he chuckles.
"If only John saw how well you built, though, I'm sure he would've let at least you off the hook!" Y/n giggles.

Drift laughs, "I bet! But you, your building skills are amazing! I couldn't believe it!" Drift grins.
Y/n blushes, "You think so?"
"Of course!" Drift smiles, "You're amazing, Y/n."

Y/n laughs softly and looks down, blushing deeper. "Thanks." she looks up and smiles, "With how you started off today, you'll be a pro and better than me in no time."

Now it was Drift's turn to blush. He rubbed the back of his neck and laughs nervously, "You uh-really think so..?" he asks.
Y/n nods, "Definitely, now lets go eat, pretty boy," she smiles, beginning to walk up the stares.

Drift stops for a moment, then smirks, following her, "You think I'm sexy?"
"For your information, I said pretty," Y/n winks and runs up the stairs, choosing not to yell out "YES!" to his question. Drift laughs heartily and follows her upstairs to eat.


That's strange, why would Y/n call Drift sexy if they're just friends... 🤔🤪

also : i have to rewrite some of the storyline, since i was a fucking dumbass and misplaced my timeline I wrote out. i hope that the subtle changes won't upset anyone!

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