Chapter 21 - Drift is Dead

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Drift could barely comprehend what was happening before he realized he was falling. He started to scream, having no idea where he would land. Then suddenly, a bright burst of aqua blue light blinded Drift, and he was gone.

He landed on the ground face first with a loud thud. He groaned as he stood up and opened his eyes. He gasped as he realized where he was - he was back in Earth.

He looked around worriedly before relaxing, "I'm- I'm back home..." he said, looking around, grinning.

He looked back at the rift and his smile faded.
If he stayed back on Earth - he would leave the SSDT and Y/n.

He thought for a moment.

Is it even worth staying on Earth? He had no parents, no family, and no friends. His friends were back in Fortnite and so was the one he loved.

Drift sighed and took one final look at the desert he used to call home, before sprinting head first back into the rift, taking him back to his real home.


Y/n and the SSDT watched from afar Drift and Ragnarok's fight. Y/n was overcome with anxiety and the will to fight - but John made her stay behind.

She watched as Ragnarok backed Drift closer to the edge, and her breath hitched.

"Oh my God," she muttered. "He's gonna fall."
"He's not gonna fall, Drift knows he's that close," John said, watching the pair intently.

Suddenly, Drift's footing slipped and he started to fall. Y/n gasped as Ragnarok grasped his jacket, saving him. She let out a deep sigh of relief.

But he doesn't help him back onto solid ground.

"What in the-"

Ragnarok let go, and Drift began to fall.
Y/n watched in horror as Drift plummeted off the hillside.

"NO!" she yelled, grief immediately wrecking her completely. Her face turned red with anger as tears began to fall from her eyes. She stood up quickly and kicked Omega straight in the chest, knocking him over. Omen rushed over to save Omega from falling off the mountain as well, granting Y/n the ability to escape.

"Y/N, WAIT!" John yelled, running after her with Carbide and Raptor following suit.

She stomped over to Ragnarok quickly and grabbed the extra sword by his feet. She grabbed his shoulder and held it tightly, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO?!" she screamed at him.

Ragnarok smirked and laughed, "Drift is dead. Such a shame... The Cube would've loved him as a servant."

"You're a dead man," she growled. She let him go as she kicked him as hard as she can, making him fall back in pain and shock.

His crab skull flies clean off his face and he started to wobble like crazy; his footing not stable by any means.

She grabbed his shoulder again, stopping him from falling. Ragnarok's expression changes from angry to sorrowful as he sees the pure hurt in Y/n's eyes.

She studied him for a moment before pushing him completely off the edge, letting him fall to his death.

Once Ragnarok disappeared from her view, she starred down the cliff in complete shock.

"Y/n..." John said from behind her, shellshocked that he just witnessed Y/n committing murder.

Y/n began to hyperventilate as she realized what she's done, "No, no no no no, oh my god,"

she dropped her sword and covered her mouth as she began to cry again. She backed up and John held her, letting her cry.

"H-he's gone.. Drift is dead..." she cried.
"Y/n- it's okay, just, just calm down-"

She stopped and looked up at John, "Calm down?!" she yelled. "DRIFT IS FUCKING DEAD! I COULDN'T SAVE HIM!" She pushed her self away from John as she looked at him angrily. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! DRIFT IS DEAD!"

"He's not dead-"
"Bullshit!" she screamed, tears flowing from her (y/e/c) eyes. "He's gone. And he-" her anger faded and turned to complete sadness as she fell to her knees.

"Drift is dead. The love of my life is dead. And I committed murder. I.. I don't..." she stuttered, succumbing to her emotions and started to sob uncontrollably.

John looked at Carbide with saddened eyes and looked over at Raptor who's full on crying.

Carbide hugged Raptor as John knelt down beside Y/n, putting his hand on her back.

"T-that was the last time I s-saw him, a-and i didn't even say I love you too," she cried.
"He knows how much you love him," John said, fighting back his own tears to stay strong for his team.

"Y/n, please, calm down-"
"No, just.. just get away from me," Y/n snapped at him, looking up at him angrily. "If you hadn't stopped me he would be alive! I could've saved him! It's your fault he's dead!" she yelled.
"Y/n, listen to me-" John got up and backed up a little.

"No! Get away from me!" she cried.
John winced at how loudly she was yelling and sighed.

"Fine," he said coldly before walking away.
Y/n breathed deeply before sobbing again.

Not only did she lose the love of her life, she killed a man and now pushed away her friends.
"I-I'm such a mess," she cried.


Prepare for a double update ;) it won't be as long but I didn't want to write a super super long chapter. This hurt me so badly to write :(

The Boy from Another World || Drift || B1 || ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن