Chapter 26 - Golfing at Lazy

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Soon enough, everyone was packed up and ready to go. Since there were 5 of them, they had to split it up into two cars. John and Carbide drove one ATK with all the suitcases and bags, while Raptor drove Y/n and Drift.

They all piled in the cars as John started his ATK's engine.
"Alright, everyone. Our first stop is at Lazy Links to golf and swim. You all packed swimsuits, right?"
"Yep!" Y/n said, getting into the other ATK.
"Alright, see you guys there! Drive safely, Raptor," John said.
"Will do, John!"

They all started to drive to Pleasant, Raptor buzzing with excitement.
"Hey, Drift?" Y/n asked.
Drift looked over at her, "Hmm?"
"I'm sorry if I was pushy earlier, I just thought you got hurt and got protective of you," you say.
"What? I didn't think you were pushy," Drift replied.
"You didn't? You seemed mad at me," she said.
"I did..?" Drift thought. "Hmm. Weird. Sorry, if it came off that way I didn't mean it to. I'm fine." He smiled and kissed her forehead gently.
"Okay, I'm glad I didn't piss you off," she laughed.

"Hey, will you two cut the cuteness out? Save it for the hotel!" Raptor laughed.
"Sorry Raptor," Y/n said while Drift and her laugh.

.:: Time Skip ::.

They eventually made their way over to Lazy Links to start their road trip off. They parked their ATKs and made their way to the country club to get their golfing supplies.

John walked inside to pay while the others waited outside.
"You excited?" Y/n smiled at Drift.
"Yeah! I've actually never played golf before, it seems fun," Drift replied.
"Really?" Y/n asked. "Not even miniature golf?"
"Nope," Drift said. "I never had anyone to go with. Plus, the orphanage never took all the kids anywhere, so, I had no chance."

"Oh," Y/n frowned, "I'm.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."
"You're fine," he kissed her forehead. "You didn't know. Plus, it's only golf, it's not a life or death situation," he laughed.
She laughed a little, "Yeah."

John came back and hands everyone a few golf balls.
"They said we can use whatever pickaxe we have with us. Here's the map and here are your balls," John said, giving all his squad mates 3 golfballs.

"It's been too long since I last golfed," Carbide sighed, grabbing his golf balls, "I hope i'm still good."
"I'm sure you are, Carby," Raptor said, putting his in his pocket. He swung his pickaxe over his shoulder, "But you're not better than me."

Carbide rolled his eyes as Drift laughs.
"Looks like I've got some competition, huh?" he said to Raptor.
Raptor smirked from under his knitted mask, "Damn right, Drifty. Hope you're ready to get your ass kicked."
"We'll see about that," Y/n winked.

The group walked to the first hole and separated into teams. John and Carbide on one, Y/n and Drift on the other, and Raptor going solo because he's cocky like that.

While John was hitting first, Drift watched him and studied what he did.
"Are you.. that nervous to play golf?" Y/n asked confusedly.
"What? No, of course not, who do you think I am, Tiger Woods?" he laughed.
"Who?" Y/n asked.

"Nevermind. Anyway, no, I'm not nervous, I just don't know how to play. I mean, i've seen golf on tv sometimes I just don't know how it's properly done," Drift says.
"Oh!" Y/n smiled, "I can show you. Just follow me."

Soon, Y/n and Drift were up to swing.
"Okay, just do this. You keep your feet like this and hold your pickaxe in your hand like this - no, ugh, here," she mumbled. She put Drift's hands where they're supposed to be gripping the pickaxe, "Okay, now since you're so much taller than me I can't really swing for you, but just line your shot up and hit it, okay?" Y/n said.

Drift nodded as she backed up.
He looked at where the golf ball was propped up and focused on it. He swung his axe and the ball went flying.

"Good job, Drift!" Y/n grinned. "You're a natural."
"Thanks!" he laughs. "This is gonna be fun."


I know this chapter wasn't very interesting but chapter 27 is gonna be fun cause they're gonna go swimming ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sorry for the small lack of updates! I've been getting busy with school again and ya girl just got sick so that's great haha we love winter 🙄 i'm gonna try and get though these next few chapters quickly so we can get to the fun stuff if y'all catch my DRIFT
okay i'm going to bed it's 3 am and i procrastinated writing this chapter by watching Liza and David videos ugh i only became a fan today but i miss them-

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