Chapter 23 - Road Trip!

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The SSDT began to make their way down the mountain before Drift suddenly stopped.

"Wait! They took my mask and overcoat, I need that back!" he said, quickly letting go of Y/n's hand and running back up the mountain.
"Wha-Drift!" John yelled. Drift turns around and continues to run up the hill, "I'll be right back, Mr. Wick!"

Drift ran down into the ship and looked around for his mask and overcoat. He saw his mask and overcoat by a table and he walked over to it.

He grabbed the overcoat and put it on, before grabbing the mask. The moment he touched it, the once pink eyes flash purple as did his coat for a moment. He narrowed his eyes, confused, but put it in his pocket. He then ran back down the mountain to meet up with the group.

"Got it?" Y/n asked. Drift nodded and held her hand again, "Yeah, let's go home."


3 hours had passed since Ragnarok was pushed off the cliff. Huntress had found him and helped him with his cuts as he stood in pure rage and silence.

"My Lord, without Drift how will Kevin continue his reign?" Huntress asked.
"He will continue his reign with Drift whether he likes it or not. The pure raw power he has is just... too much to let slide that easily. Kevin needs it," Ragnarok sighed.

"What did you do with the mask?" she asked.
Ragnarok smirked, "Drift doesn't know this, but I merged the cube's energy with it. The second he puts it on, Kevin will gain total control over Drift over the next few days."

"And what of us?"
"We leave," Ragnarok said. "After I summon Kevin, we must leave the island. He doesn't need us anymore, and we can go back home to our village."
Huntress frowned then nodded, "Yes, My Lord."


The SSDT arrive back at the HQ. Drift, John, and Carbide left to do their own things while Raptor walked over to Y/n who was watching tv.

"Hey, Y/n, when are we gonna tell the others about our idea?" he asked.
"Which idea- ohhhh!" Y/n replied, grinning. "Gather the others, okay? I'll go get Drift."
Raptor nods and leaves to find John and Carbide whilst she ran upstairs.

She opened the door to their room, "Hey Dri...ft?" she said, starring at Drift.

He was looking in her mirror with a worried look on his face.
For some reason his cape began to glow a bright pink with a lightning-like effect to it.

"When did that start happening?" she said, shutting the door and walking towards him.
"Dunno. I think after we got back from the fight," Drift explained, turning around to face her.
"I'm sure my mask does it, too, but I don't want to put it on yet."

"Mm. I understand. Can you come downstairs real quick though? I want to tell you something," Y/n asked. Drift nodded and they walked downstairs.

By the time they got downstairs, the others were sitting on the couch. Drift took a seat while Y/n and Raptor stood up, facing the group.

"So, about a week or two ago I had an idea. Drift, you really haven't seen the rest of the island in full, have you?" Y/n asked.
"Nope. Haven't had the time. I've seen only what you've shown me," Drift replied.

"Okay. So, I had a thought - how about we go on our own little road trip to introduce Drift to the map more?" Y/n said.
"That's a wonderful idea, Y/n!" John exclaimed.

"GREAT!" Raptor shouts. "I've already planned out the route! We'll start at Pleasant Park by the burger, then head to Lazy Links to play some golf. We'll go to the race track afterwards and-" Raptor starts to explain.

The group looks at Raptor confusedly, before Carbide stops him short.
"Uhm. Raptor? Shouldn't we.. all have decided this?" Carbide asked.

"Sorry, I got a little excited when Y/n told me about this," Raptor laughed.
Drift chuckled, "It sounds awesome. When should we start it?"

"As long as we don't hit any bumps in the road on the way, it shouldn't take more than a weekend. So many Friday until Monday?" Y/n suggested.
"That sounds alright," John replied. "I'll let the other members know that they'll have to take over. I'm proud of you and Raptor for planning this," he smiled.

"I figured I should show my boyfriend around the island in style," Y/n smiled at Drift.
"So you two are a thing, huh?" Raptor said.
Carbide face palmed as the rest of them laugh.

"Let's start packing tomorrow," Drift said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am exhausted. Fighting a god and falling into a rift and nearly dying all in one day is a bit exhausting," he laughed. "See you upstairs, Y/n. Goodnight guys!" Drift went upstairs.


Fun fact, this story actually originated from the Road Trip loading screen storyline. I promise the second half of this book won't be just "Y/n and Drift to go x location", they'll be a lot of action in it ;)
Also bear with me please im trying to figure out how to write the scene without it being cringe as fuck lmao

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