Chapter 24 - He's The One *SMUT*

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author's note from 7/4/20

HELLOOOO it's been so long since i touched this story! anyway, it's recently come to my attention that I hadn't actually fully wrote out the smut for drift... and seeing as I went overboard with Midas, i thought it would be perfect to come back and write them out fully.

so yes, you heard me right, FINALLY drift smut is coming your way. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

enjoy, sinners~


Y/n said goodnight to the rest of the squad and went upstairs for bed. She got in her pajamas and did her nightly routine before entering her room. She noticed Drift laid back on her bed watching TV.

He smiled when he noticed her, "Hey, Y/n." He moved over to make room for her.
Y/n smiled at him, "Hey." She laid down beside him, resting her head on his bare shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her as they cuddled, watching tv.

Not long after, the show ended. He turned off the tv and turned to Y/n, "Hey, are you alright?" he asked. "You're not normally this.. cuddly," he said. "I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong. It's cute, I just want to make sure you're okay."

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just.. i don't know. I've been thinking, I guess," she said.

"..Us," She replied. "It just... when I saw you fall my whole world just came crashing down. It made me realize how much I really do love you. I really think you're the one, Drift," she said. "I'm ready to... take things to the next level, I guess. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Drift blushed and laughed lightly, "I was afraid I was the only one feeling that way, too," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I've thought about it. I wanted to wait until I was sure, and I'm completely sure that you're the one,"  she said. "I feel the same way," Drift said.

She sat up and looked up at him. Her eyes flickered from his eyes down to his lips. After a moment, she leaned forward and kissed him gently.

He kissed her back, but then stopped. He took her hands and said softly, "Y/n. Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Y/n smiled, "Yes. I'm 100% sure." Drift nodded and kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her onto his lap, her legs around his waist.

He moved his hands and slid them under her shirt, lifting it up slowly. She broke the kiss so she could take it off, and threw it down to the floor. She continued to kiss him, running her fingers through his hair.

He let his hands fall to her waist, holding her as close as possible. His hands on her skin sent chills down her spine, her breath quickening in response.

Drift pulled her down onto the bed, her laying beneath him. He started to kiss her neck and collar bone lightly, making her heart flutter and face heat up.

"D-Drift, wait-" she said breathily. He stopped, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just... I don't really know what to do, and I don't want to ruin this for you," she said, averting her eyes whilst chewing onto her bottom lip.

"I've never done this either," Drift said. He laid a hand on her cheek and stroked it gently, "Just go with what you feel, okay? If I'm doing something wrong or hurting you, just let me know and I'll stop."

"Okay," She said. She smiled up at him, putting her hands on his cheeks; bringing him closer and kissing him passionately.

He moved his hands behind her back to unclip her bra, letting it fall loose. Immediately he began to kiss all over her body, her hands flying to his hair, tugging at it.

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