Chapter 15 - Kidnapped

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Valor watched from inside the gift shop as the whole ordeal with Drift and Ravage went down. She saw Drift and Y/n come to the diner together, so she knew Y/n would be looking for him.

Moments after Drift disappeared, Y/n walked outside, looking for Drift.
"Drift?" Y/n called, frowning.
"Where did he go?"

Valor opened the gift shop door and walked over to Y/n.
"Kidnapped. I saw the whole thing. Ravage knocked him out cold and took him hostage," Valor explained.

Y/n gasped, complete fear and worry washing over her, "What?!" she screamed. "When?? He was just out here - oh my God," she said, pure panic taking over. "I-I knew I was forgetting something, I forgot to tell him about the other bad guys! Oh my God i'm an idiot!" she cried.

Tears well up in her eyes as Valor hugged her quickly, "I've got you, don't worry, girl," she sighed, "Let's just get to the SSDT quickly so that we can locate him as fast as possible."

Y/n and Valor raced back to the HQ as quickly as the cart could take them. Y/n ran inside and downstairs, shouting, "RAPTOR! JOHN! CARBIDE! WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!"

The men rushed downstairs to meet her and Valor.
"Y/n, what in God's name is going on?!" John yelled, not in a good mood.

"Valor? What are you doing here?" Carbide asked.
"Drift's been kidnapped," Valor explained while Y/n got the tracker open on the computer, "by Ravage. He fought back but didn't know she could blend into the shadows. Ravage melted in before I could see where she took him," Valor explained.

John put his head in his hands and groaned, "This has Omega written all over it..."
"We've got to get Drift back! Does anyone have a clue where he could be?" Raptor asked
"Let's think. Ravage works for Omega, right?" Y/n said, turning her attention from the monitor to her squadmates. "Ravage would be wherever Omega is. Omega could either be at his lair or Junk Junction with Omen," she said.

"You have a point, Y/n, but you're forgetting one thing. Ravage and Raven, especially Raven, are wildcards. One minute they're working for Omega and the next they're turning around to help us out. They could be anywhere. Omega is too smart to keep Drift hostage at an obvious place," John sighed.

"Guys, what if Omega isn't behind this?" Carbide said.
"But Ravage works for Omega, remember?" Valor reminded him.
"Yes, but Omega could've teamed up with someone new," Carbide replied. "But what I don't understand is why Omega would want anything to do with Drift. I mean, he's just a teen from Earth, what's so special about that?"

"Everything is," John replied, "for that specific reason. Drift's from Earth. Off island. Drift is special. I knew from the moment I saw him that he had the potential and the power to save this island from lurking evil. If Omega knows about his power, Drift would be a perfect recruit for Omega. It's the perfect plan," John replied.

"Guys, I may have found where Drift could be," Raptor said.
Everyone turned to look at the man.
"Viking Village. Omega didn't plan this... Ragnarok did."


"Did you kill him?!"

"Of course not, My Lord, I'm not an idiot unlike my brother. He's a teenager, teenagers sleep more. He merely got the wind knocked out of him."

"Well he better wake up soon, Ragnarok is getting impatient!"

Drift began to slowly regain consciousness, first regaining his hearing. Once he had mustered up enough strength, he began to flutter open his eyes.

"See, My Lord? He's fine," Ravage groaned. "He's getting up now."
"Fetch Ragnarok immediately."

Drift winced as the sunlight blinded him - the sudden light mixing with the pitch black he had gotten used to was hard to adjust to. The cold yet also somewhat warm wind blew against his face harshly as he fully became aware of his surroundings.

He looked around and noticed he was on some sort of wooden ship.

Drift heard a deep, accent-heavy chuckle. He looked around and saw a man walk towards him. He had icy blue hair with a long, 3-part braided beard falling onto his chest. His cape flowed in the wind behind him as he stood in front of Drift with his arms crossed, chuckling, "Welcome back, Drift. I've been waiting to finally speak with you."

Drift tried to move, but it only tightened the ropes surrounding him. He growled, "Let me go!"
Ragnarok laughed, "Feisty. He would appreciate that," he said, smirking.
"Who's... He?" Drift asked. "What am I here for?"

"Calm down, Drift. We're not going to hurt you as long as you comply," Ragnarok began. "Do you know who I am?"

Drift shook his head no.
"I wouldn't expect you to. I'm not exactly on Wick's radar," he said. "I am Ragnarok."

"Ragnarok..?" Drift said. "Where have I..."
"Ragnarok - the impending doom. The end of the world, and a norse god. You know of me through history books," he said.

Drift's eyes go wide, "But... but how?!"
"I am a god. I am immortal. Drift, you and I are one in the same. We're both from Earth, and because of this, are extremely valuable and powerful in the right hands," Ragnarok began.

"I'm here for a mission. A mission I can not yet tell anyone who isn't a god themselves. However, I can tell you that I need someone like you, Drift, to help me in my mission. If I fail, i'll be stripped of my immortality, and I will die."

"But.. why? Who has more power than a norse god?"
"He does," Ragnarok says. "I do not dare say his name yet. His time has not yet come, but when it's ready, you will know him. All will know him."

"Okay, but what do I have to do with this mystery man?" Drift asks, feeling skeptical.
"You have the power that he so desires," Ragnarok explained. "Our power combined will be enough to unlock our full potential. John Wick and the others haven't told you a lick about this, haven't they?" he said.

Drift shook his head no slowly, afraid to answer truthfully.
Ragnarok scoffed, "Pity. Disappointed, but not surprised. John doesn't know how to deal with Earth power. You don't belong there with them, you belong with me."

"How do I know you're not just trying to trick me? And I do belong with the SSDT!" Drift snarled.

Ragnarok laughed heartily, "You're wrong! Has John told you any of your significant power? Has he done anything to train you for what's to come, and how to deal with your power's full potential? No! He hasn't! What kind of a man does that? What kind of a man denies a boy of his destiny?" Ragnarok exclaimed.

Drift fell silent.
He has a very good point.
But Drift hardly believed it - he knew that the Super Star Danger Team was his family - and he wouldn't do anything to put his family in danger.

"All I ask Drift is that you help me. If you comply... I can get you home."

Drift's heart sank.
He hadn't been home in so long...

"And if I don't comply...?" Drift replied calmly.
Ragnarok looked away before sighing. He turned around, his eyes suddenly glowing a deep dark color with light blue smoke coming out of the edges. It sent chills through Drift's spine at the sight.

"Then you can kiss Y/n and the Super Star Danger Team goodbye. You have two choices: help me in serving him for the good of this island and save your family, or, deny helping me and be the reason for their death," Ragnarok said.

He knelt down at his level and ripped the ropes off him with his bare hands, letting them fall by Drift's side. Drift looked up at Ragnarok with a confused expression.

"The choice is yours, Drift. You have one week to decide what your choice is. Next Wednesday you will return here by 5pm or be brought here by force. You will tell me your answer and we will go from there," Ragnarok said, getting up again. He began to walk away as Drift stood up.

"Oh, and one more thing," Ragnarok turned around halfway, "Do not tell anyone a thing about what just happened here. You may leave." Ragnarok walked off the ship and into his little Norse village, leaving Drift alone with his thoughts on the ship.

What was he gonna do?


It is getting spicy up here lemme tell you! The fun drama parts of the chapter are just beginning~

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