Chapter 7 - Racing at Paradise

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Drift and Y/n rushed back to the ATK, but Drift ran faster. He dove for the driver's seat, blocking Y/n from sitting down. She gasped and laughed, "DRIFT!"
"You snooze, you loose, baby!" Drift laughs.

'I just called her baby - shit,' Drift thinks to himself, blushing a little.
'Did he just call me... baby...?' Y/n thinks to herself, smiling.

"Alright, baby," she mimics, "let's see how good of a driver you claim to be." She sits down in the seat and buckles herself in.
Drift smirks, "With pleasure."

Drift slams on the gas pedal and they immediately are on the road. Y/n squeals, "Drift! Be careful!" she gasps.
"I've done this plenty of times, don't worry!" Drift says in reply, keeping the car steady in the lane.

"Where's the racetrack?" he asks.
"Keep going north and follow the road, but please be careful! It's not meant to go this fast!" Y/n yells.

Y/n's breathing began to speed up, "D-Drift-" she stutters, not knowing what to do. She clutched the side of the seats in an attempt to stable herself. A sharp turn was coming up, and Drift hit the gas again. Drift began laughing as he began to drift the car, gaining an extra speed boost in return. "DRIFT!" Y/n yells, laughing out of excitement and fear.

Moments later, Drift parked in the parking lot for the race track. Y/n jumps out of the car and sighs, "My God, you drive fast!"
"I told you I'm named Drift for a reason!" he laughs. "If only I could drive that way on the highway," he chuckles.
"Please, dear God, never drive that way on freeways. I don't want you dead," Y/n sighs.
"Well, be proud cause I have never been in an accident before because of speed," he replies.
"Lucky shit. Car accidents suck, especially when drunk drivers are involved," she frowns.

"But let's change the topic... let's see who's the better racer, shall we?"
Drift smirks, "Oh yes, let's."

The two walk inside the track and rent out two ATKs. They drove beside each other and the countdown began. Y/n looked over at Drift and smirked, "You're going down, Drifty!" Y/n taunts.
"We'll see about that," Drift smirks.


The pair slammed on the gas pedal and off they went, keeping a safe enough distance but remaining the same speed. The two drifted past corners with ease, and by the end of the race, Drift won.

"How did you beat me?!" Y/n gasps, getting out of the car.
"Practice," Drift winks. Y/n laughs, "Let's get back to the HQ, it's getting late. I don't want Mr. Wick to start bitching at us."
"I agree, I don't want to see him angry like this morning again," Drift mumbles. Y/n giggles, "Yeah, but this time I'm driving," she smirks.
"Hey! No fair, I won! I should drive!"
"I saw how you drive getting here, you nearly gave me an anxiety attack. I'll be driving. You can drive next time," She saunters off, walking to the ATK. Drift groans but laughs, and follows her.

The pair drove back to the HQ to eat dinner.

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