Chapter 30 - Kevin the Cube

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They all sat down at a table and waited for their food. John and Carbide chatted while Raptor raved on to Y/n about a TV series he was binging on Netflix.

Drift, as per normal, kept to himself absorbed in his thoughts. Every few hours he felt his sanity fly out the window, slowly loosing control over himself. He knew he was being rude to Y/n, and it killed him.
But he had no control over it.

"Drift!" John bellowed.
Drift jumped and turned his attention to John, "What?" Drift asked.
"Foods here. You were too busy starting off into space to notice," John said.
"Oh. Sorry, Mr. Wick," Drift said. He unwraps his burger and begins to eat.

Y/n looked at him and sighed, turning her attention back to her food.

This road trip was supposed to be fun. It was a time for them to make memories that would last forever. But sadly, all it consisted of was Y/n and Drift bickering, and it broke her heart.

What was happening to Drift?

.:: Small time skip ::.

By the time they had all finished eating, it was around 6:40ish at night. Night was beginning to fall upon the island, though it still had a spark of daylight out.

"Alright.. let's get to the Motel everybody," John said, getting into the car.

"Hey, Raptor, can I drive?" Y/n asked.
Raptor shrugged, "I don't see why not. Just don't get us killed!" he said, laughing. Y/n laughed, "I'm careful, don't worry." The two swapped seats, and they drove off.

Drift, once again, was looking outside the car in thought. When suddenly, everything seemed to shake as if an earthquake was happening.
"What the hell..." Drift mumbled.

Suddenly, through the clouds a deep pink/purple lightning strike struck on the ground. From it, a gigantic cube-like structure appeared.

"What the-" Raptor exclaimed.
"PULL OVER," Drift commanded, his eyes completely transfixed on the new structure.
"We can't-"
"I SAID PULL OVER," he snapped.

Y/n looked at Raptor and frowned, and he shrugged. She sighed and pulled over, driving towards the cube.
John and Carbide followed behind them.

They all park within a safe distance from the cube, before getting out of their ATKs in shock at what's in front of them.

"What the hell is that thing?" John questioned, studying it.
"It's a cube, John, what does it look like to you?" Raptor said.
"Cut the sass, I know it's a cube," John groaned. "But besides that, I mean, WHAT is it? Just a weird structure?"

Drift began to tune the others out as he began to make his way toward the cube. He once again felt different - his eyes had changed from his normal golden brown to the vibrant purple/pink hue that the Cube had. His mind became foggy, too, as he approached the Cube.

"What is that kid doing...?" Carbide mumbled.
Y/n looked over and groaned, "Drift! Come back!" she yelled.

He didn't listen, and he continued to walk towards the cube.
"Oh whatever! See if I care," she folded her arms and glared daggers in his direction. She sighed in frustration.

"You're right. He's not being normal," Carbide frowned. "Let's follow him. Nobody touch that thing, we have no idea what it does or what it's purpose is."
They nod and approach the cube timidly.

Carbide and John looked around the cube, as Raptor and Y/n stayed back, talking about Drift's recent attitude.

"Yeah, I have noticed him being completely off. I really have no clue what's going on, I'm sorry," Raptor sighed.
"It's not a big deal, honestly. I'm just glad I'm not being an overprotective girlfriend or some shit," Y/n mumbled.

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