Chapter 14 - The First Date

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"Raven! Ravage!" Omega roared. Raven and Ravage ran into Omega's lair quickly, "Yes, My Lord?" Raven asked, the two bowing before him quickly.

"I have a job for you two. Ragnarok, Omen, and I have discussed this amongst ourselves and it is time we put our plan into action, but we need Drift to do it," Omega begins. "Drift and Y/n are at Dusty Diner at this very moment. I want one or both of you to ambush them and kidnap Drift. We only need the boy. If something happens to the girl, it's only collateral damage," Omega said.

"Wouldn't Drift know about us?" Raven said worriedly.

"Aaaugggh! You incompetent male! If you're that worried about being caught then I'll do it myself!" Ravage yells at her brother. Omega smirked, "Now that's a good girl. Ravage, you are to kidnap Drift using any means necessary and bring him here. Do whatever you will with him, just make sure he's alive," he said.
Ravage nodded, and faded into the shadows, calling out, "I won't let you down, My Lord."


Elsewhere, Y/n and Drift had just arrived at the Diner. Drift parked the car and the two walked inside, "Wow! This place looks so cool! Is it still being built? And what the hell's up with that gigantic hole in the ground beside it?" Drift asked, looking around and admiring the interior.

Y/n laughed, "Once we sit down and order i'll tell you the wholeeeee story," she said.

They found a seat and ordered, and Y/n began to tell Drift the story.

"Okay, so this is gonna be a long story, so I hope you're ready," she said.
"I have time," Drift smiled at her.

She laughed, "Okay. Since this island was first colonized we've had a place - here - called Dusty Depot. The Depot was, at the time, one of our island's most iconic places. But after a meteor broke our atmosphere and crashed into our island, the meteor completely demolished the Depot, leaving only the two buildings - this Diner and the building next to it - left. That whole crater you see is from the meteor. We recently partly rebuilt this place and turned it into a diner/museum which we can look at afterwards," Y/n explained.

"Woah, that's so cool! An actual meteor crash happened and I missed it?" he laughed.
"It was pretty crazy, the whole island was affected!" she said.

"What happened next?" He asked.
"Turns out, inside the meteor was a strange pod that carried a person. Inside was someone named the Visitor. The Visitor went all the way to Omega's lair and helped him launch a huge rocket," Y/n said. "The rocket launch was a success - in a way. It launched, but it's the reason for these strange rifts here now, and probably the reason you're here with us now," she finished.

Drift's smile faded, "Really?"
She nodded. "When the rift appeared, many things disappeared but the same amount of things appeared here as well, like Viking Village, Lazy Links, Paradise Palms, etc..." she said. She reached over the table and grabbed his hand, "I'm so glad the Rift brought you here, though," Y/n said, smiling.

Drift's smile returned and he squeezed her hand, "I'm glad, too. There really was nothing for me back home. I was alone. But here... I have a family. I have a purpose. And I have somebody that loves me that I love, too," he said.
Y/n blushed deeply, "You're so cheesy!" She giggled.

Drift laughed, "You brought out the good in me. If you saw how I was on Earth... I don't think you'd be on a date with me right now," Drift chuckled.
"Impossible," Y/n smiled.

Their food arrive. and the couple began to eat.
"So, after this where are we going to?" Drift asked.

"I figured we could head to Lazy Links and maybe play a round or two of golf, or we could go walk around Tilted Towers, whichever you'd like best. Or wherever you want to go that you haven't seen yet," she replied.
"Golfing sounds fun!" Drift said.
"Alright," Y/n replied, "Golfing it is, then," she smiled.

The two finish their late lunch/early dinner and begin to walk around the diner. They get to the second building and look down at the Divot. Drift looked at it in awe, "Damn... I wish I could've seen it in it's hay day, or after the collision," he said.

"It really was cool. There was a whole Vindertech lab down there. It's all run down by now, though. Now it looks like it's straight out of Jurassic Park," she laughed.

"I didn't realize we had some of the same tv shows and movies," Drift chuckled.
She shrugged, "There's a lot of things about Fortnite you don't know," she grinned.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick, I'll meet you by the car, okay?" Y/n said. Drift nodded and she walked off.

Drift walked outside and stood by the door, waiting for Y/n. He pulled out his phone and started looking at social media.

Suddenly, a strange laugh could be heard. Drift looked up from his phone quickly, not making a sound. "Hello?" he asked cautiously.

The laugh continued as he got spooked. He put his phone away and grabbed a drum gun out of his inventory, "Who's there?" he asked.

"You look frightened," the voice echoed.
Drift looked around, looking through the barrel, "I'm not scared, show yourself!" he demanded.

The voice laughed and suddenly the figure appeared behind him, straight out of the shadows.

"You must be Drift."
Drift turned around and met a strange, shadowy feminine figure with glowing, piercing purple eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked, keeping his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot at any given moment.

"I am Ravage. I'm sure you've heard of me," Ravage said, walking around him.
"I haven't. You look like you work with Omega," he said, glaring at her.

She chuckled, "Right you are, Blondy. What's with the mask, pretty boy? Hiding something?" she smirked. "And what are you doing here... alone?"

"That's none of your business," Drift growled, "Now get out of here before I shoot you right between the eyes," he taunted.

Ravage snorted, "Lucky me, I don't have eyes." Ravage jumped quickly up above onto the roof of the diner, "I wouldn't threaten me if I were you, boy. You have no idea what I'm capable of, and why I'm here," she said.

"Please, enlighten me," Drift sassed, looking up at her. He put down his gun and held it by his side, staying cautious.

Ravage smirked, "That's for me to know, and for you to find out... one way or another." She laughed as she faded into the shadows again.

Drift quickly grabbed his gun again and started shooting rapidly.

Ravage growled, "Foolish boy! You can't shoot a shadow!" She quickly turned visible again and kicked the drum gun to the ground, leaving Drift defenseless. She quickly kicked him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and making him collapse onto the harsh floor. He hit his head on the concrete walkway below him as his vision began to fade in and out of clarity. Ravage peered from above him, chuckling.

"You have no idea what's coming for you, boy," she exclaimed as Drift falls out of consciousness.


Big yikes, can we get an f in the chat for Drift 😞

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