Chapter 25 - The Cursed Mask

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Eventually, the two got out of bed to meet with the others to discuss their trip. Y/n put on some pajama shorts and slipped on Drift's shirt, while he put on his sleep pants. The two went downstairs to eat.

"There you two are!" John said from the couch. "I was about to wake you up myself."
"Sorry, Mr. Wick, we were just tired," she said, getting her food.

"I wanted to leave by now but I understand Drift needed his rest," he said.
"Thanks, Mr. Wick," Drift smiled, sitting down at the table. He began to eat as John took out a map, "Okay, Carbide and I have changed the route a little. Instead of visiting Paradise, we'll go swimming at Lazy instead. And we're not gonna go to the burger, either, but instead visit Greasy," John said.

"He must experience the beautiful taste of DurrrBurger," Raptor laughed.

Drift laughed, "Thanks, Raptor. But the rest of the route is the same?" he asked.
"Yep. As soon as you two are done eating go get ready, it's already 11 and I wanted to leave at 9," John said.

After the two finished eating, they went upstairs to pack and get ready. Y/n decided to get dressed and do her hair and makeup before packing. She got what she needed and left Drift to pack by himself.

Drift took the suitcase Carbide gave him and started to pack. He packed everything he thought he would need.

He reached to grab his cologne when his mask caught his eye. Drift put away his cologne bottle and grabbed the mask, observing it. He shrugged and put it on since he hadn't in awhile.

Immediately, Drift felt different. He felt a surge of painful energy rush through him. He hissed in pain as he fell back against the wall, his vision getting blurry. He clutched his head, a searing pain ripping through his skull.

He panted as he tried to make sense of what was happening when everything turned a deep purple and black, weird purple symbols appearing and clouding his vision.
"W-what the-"

"Drift. I've been waiting."

Drift opened his mouth to speak, but no noise came out. He couldn't move. All he could see were the strange symbols obscuring his vision, not knowing where he was or where the voice was coming from.

"You now belong to me. You will serve me from now on until the day you die. I will see you soon, Drift. Enjoy your last few days of freedom."

When the voice died down, Drift began to regain control over his vision and body.
He panted heavily, finally able to regain his breath from that scary moment.

"What the fuck was that?" he gasped, clutching onto the desk to keep him from falling over; taking his mask off quickly and throwing it onto the floor.

Y/n opened the door quickly, "Drift?! Are you okay?" she asked, a deeply worried expression evident on her face.

"I heard things get knocked over and then a thud, I came in to check on you," she mumbled, confused he didn't know what she was talking about. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Drift said, still a little dazed.
"Are you sure...?" Y/n asked.
"I'm fine," he says sternly, suddenly looking upset. "Just start packing." He walked out of the room without saying a word after that.

She felt a slight pain of sadness hearing Drift speak like that to her.
What happened between last night and now to make him so upset?
Whatever it was, Y/n was gonna find out. She was not gonna let a little problem ruin their road trip.


I know you guys are used to longer chapters, sorry this is half the length of my normal chapters. After this chapter for the next 3-4 chapters it'll be a mixture of excitement and sadness in guessing. We're nearing the end of the book sadly but we've still got at least 10-12 chapters left :) This is my longest book and the book i'm the most proud of, definitely. Once we get to the end, I'm gonna consider making a second book. If my Regardless series taught me anything it's that people love multiple books in gripping and fun stories like this one. So, depending on the storyline for season 7 fortnite puts out by then, I might make a second book. I'm thinking of it :)

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