Chapter 20 - Ragnarok's Battle

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"Drift. How could you agree to do something like this?!" Y/n gawked.

"I had to," Drift sighed deeply, "I had to. It was the only way to keep you safe. Like I said, I have no idea what Ragnarok is going to do to me."

Just then, Omen and Omega, followed by Huntress and Ragnarok walk into the room.

"I hope you're ready, Drift. And, oh, it looks like your little girlfriend can join in on the fun," Ragnarok laughed.
"You're never gonna get away with this!" she snarled.

He scoffed, "I would like to see you, a pitiful mortal, defeat a god like me. Take him out."
Huntress opened Drift's cell and immediately tied him up again. Drift gave Y/n a pitiful smile before mouthing "I love you.", then was les out.

The group began to walk upstairs when Ragnarok stopped, "Actually, take the girl as well. I have a better plan."

Omen nodded and took Y/n out of her cell, tying her up as well as the group walked ahead of them.

Huntress slammed Drift down into a chair while Y/n stood by the sidelines, anxiously looking at Ragnarok.

Ragnarok picked up a strange cube-like object and walked over to Drift.
"What's that?" Drift asked.
"This, is what'll make you his servant."

"I would like to know who he is before I become his servant," Drift replied.
Ragnarok grumbled, "If it'll shut you up, then fine. His real name is far too complicated for a human to say - even a god - so he goes simply by Kevin."
Drift snickered.

"Laugh as you may, Kevin is the most powerful thing in the world. This is a fragment of him," Ragnarok said. "Absorb it and you will
become his physical vessel while he roams the island. It's that simple."

Y/n finally saw what's going on and gasped as the cube fragment got closer to Drift.

Drift winced when it's placed on the table in front of him, the purple glow coming from it blinding.

"Don't it, Drift!" she screamed.
"He has no choice," Ragnarok chuckled.
Drift looked over at Y/n with a sad look, before reaching to touch the cube fragment.

Just as he's about to touch it, bullets start flying. Ragnarok screamed in anger, "I told you not to tell anyone about this! The deal is off, Drift, the SSDT is going to be killed off!" Ragnarok yelled.
"NO!" Drift yelled, dropping the cube fragment as it shattered. A huge burst of purple light emits from it as a huge lightning strike goes into the sky as it dissipated.

"I didn't tell anyone! I don't know why they're here!" Drift insisted.
"It's too late, boy!" He growled, "We are to fight! Omen! Omega! Get those pesky SSDT warriors!" he yelled.

The two nod before starting to fight John Wick, Raptor, and Carbide.
Ragnarok pointed to Drift, "You stay right there." He ran back into the belly of the ship to retrieve something.

Y/n began took this as her opportunity to squirm from her ropes. She eventually freed herself since Skystalker was distracted. She rushed over to Drift and freed him, "We gotta help Mr. Wick and the others and get you out of here," she said. Drift quickly hugged her tightly, "No, you need to go."

"What?" Y/n asked, confused. "I'm not-"
"This is about me, Ragnarok, and Kevin," Drift began, resting his hands on her waist. "This doesn't involve you. I can't risk loosing you. If i lost you, I..." he sighed deeply, looking down. "I just can't loose you, Y/n. Save yourself, and go."

"What about you?! I can't loose you either, Drift!" she insisted.
"You have to go. I'll be fine."
He leant in to kiss her for possibly the last time. It was filled with love and passion, a bittersweet goodbye.

"I love you, Y/n," he said. "I'll be back for you. I promise."
With that, he left her, running off to find Ragnarok.

Tears well up in Y/n's eyes and she realized that that could've possibly been the last time she spoke to Drift.

Soon, Drift became face to face with Ragnarok again.

John, Carbide, Raptor, and Y/n had been detained so now it was just Drift and Ragnarok alone.

"You said you wouldn't hurt them," Drift said, clenching his fists tightly. "I kept my end of the deal. Y/n saw me ran out and went after me. She was just being a good girlfriend. I didn't say a word of this to anybody," Drift added. "Please, don't hurt them," he said, pain and worry for his loved ones dripping in his voice.

"I have no choice," Ragnarok stated. "Kevin is angry now. He wanted to bring peace to this island, but now? He wants to destroy it," he glares at Drift. "The end of Royale Island starts today and it's all your fault," he threatened.

Drift looked sullen as Ragnarok pulled out two swords, giving Drift the lesser one.

"I'll make you a deal. Let's duel. If I win, you serve Kevin and I kill off the SSDT. If you win, their lives are spared and I leave the island. Sound like a deal?"

Drift remained silent for a moment, thinking intensely. He sighed before nodding, "Then let's duel."

Y/n watched from a far in horror as Ragnarok and Drift began to duel each other with swords. She clutched onto Raptor, beginning to cry.

"What if he dies?! I have to go help him!" she cried.
"You can't, Y/n, I'm sorry," Raptor sighed, hugging her in hopes to soothe her.

"Drift is a strong young man, he can defeat Ragnarok easily," Carbide said. "He'll save us. He'll save the island."

"Ragnarok is a god and he's just a kid," Y/n sighed, "I can't just sit around and let him do this by himself!"

"Y/n listen to me, if you go out them and help him, Ragnarok will kill him within seconds. It's safer for him and you if you stay here, do you understand me?" John said.
Y/n nodded slowly before crying again, "I just want Drift to be okay."

John sighed looking at Raptor. He looks at Y/n, frowning, "You really love Drift, huh?"
Y/n nodded, sniffling, "More than anything."

Swords clashed against each other as Drift and Ragnarok's duel raged on. Their swords clashed as they reached the edge of the mountain, Drift dangerously close to the edge.
"Give up," Ragnarok spat, "you can't beat a god."

"I've got this far," Drift used all his might to fight the sword from slashing him, "I am not giving up now."

The only thing keeping Drift going was Y/n. If he hadn't met her, he would've given into Ragnarok in a heartbeat. But now - now he had a purpose. Now he wanted to live. Now he wanted to stay in Fortnite.

And he was not about to let it go that easily.

Ragnarok looked over his shoulder quickly before smirking.
"You know what Drift? You win. I forfeit." Ragnarok loosened the pressure on his sword and Drift's brows soften, "What?" Ragnarok let his sword rest by his side, "You win."

Drift narrowed his eyes, "How do I know you're not bluffing?" Drift replied, keeping his sword at the ready to swing at a moment's notice.

"You're clearly just as powerful as me," Ragnarok walked closer to Drift, causing him to back up slowly. "Maybe more powerful than me. Like i said," he leaned in, "I forfeit."

At that moment, Drift lost his footing and he started to wobble backwards. Ragnarok clutched his jacket collar, keeping Drift from falling off the cliff.

He chuckled deeply, "Foolish boy. You can never defeat me. You're worthless, you're nothing. You couldn't even save the girl you love," he snarled. "What a pity. I had high hopes for you.

Drift reached for Ragnarok's hand to help him regain balance as he just laughed.

"Goodbye, Drift."
He let go of his jacket and pushed him off the cliff, Drift plummeting off the cliff.

A large flash of light cracked through the sky as a loud zap was followed after it.
Drift was gone.


Now y'all finally know who "He" is! I'm sure some of you probably guessed Kevin the Cube already but I was out of ideas 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also, how do you guys like the new cover? xx

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