Chapter 34 - From the Shadows

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About a week and a half had gone by, and there was still no word from Drift. Y/n wasn't as happy as she used to be, either. It made sense, though - why would she be happy when her boyfriend was in mortal danger?

The entire island was out looking for Drift. You'd think that with everyone's help it would be easy, but no, it wasn't. Nobody had found even a slight trace of Drift.

Though Y/n spent her entire day searching in her ATK for her boyfriend, she couldn't help but grow bored of searching for hours on end. So today, she decided to take a small break to wander the island and think.

She got ready to go, got in her ATK, and drove.
She didn't know where she was going - all she wanted was to get away from the HQ for a bit.

After awhile of driving, she eventually found herself at the most unlikely of places - the hill with the Durrr Burger.
The hill where she first met Drift.

She sighed as she turned off the engine, taking the keys and putting them in her pocket. She walked up to the burger and looked down at the hill below, which overlooked Loot Lake. She decided to sit down and listen to the sounds and get lost in thought.

She leaned her back against the mascot as she took a deep breath and let it out; letting the calming sounds of the winds and the crackling of the rifts beside her soothe troubled mind.

No matter what she did, however, she couldn't forget Drift.

She tried so hard to drown it out, but it was as if she could still hear his voice in her head, calling out her name. And it killed her every time.

At least, she thought it was in her head.

"Y/n." a wispy - yet familiar - voice called.

Y/n opened one eye and looked around, then closed it again after she didn't see anybody near her.

"Y/n. I know you can hear me," the voice called again.

She opened both of her eyes and looked around fully this time, completely confused.

"Hello?" she asked.

"I'm here. Can't you see me?" the voice said again. "I'm standing right in front of you."

Y/n stood up quickly as her voice hitched, "Drift...?" she said quietly. "Is... that you?" She squinted to see if she could see the supposed "voice".

"Yes! It's me! Can you see me?" "Drift" asked.

"No... but I see some kind of purple shadow," she mumbled, debating as to whether or not she was losing her mind.

Her eyes focused in on the figure as it reached out to touch her, and to her surprise, the figure's hand touched her arm and it felt real.

"What the-" she gasped. "Who are you?!" she yelled, backing away quickly from the wispy figure.

"Y/n, please, you have to trust me. It's me, Drift."

She stopped as she studied the figure's voice. It did sound like Drift... and she could've sworn she smelled his cologne earlier.

The figure began to fade in and out of view, before morphing into a more distinct form. It was really Drift, but a more faded, dark, and shadow version of him.

"It really is me. This is the best I can do, since I'm technically a bodiless soul," Drift chuckled. "Kevin took my body and threw me out to wander. Every 2 hours or so I'm forced back to his vessel - the Cube - to move the Cube one flip closer to it's final destination. I figured out I can escape the vessel a few hours ago. As soon as I figured it out, I rushed to find you," Drift said.

Y/n's breath started to quicken as Drift continued to speak, whether out of excitement or fear, she could not tell.

"These past few days have been... horrific, honestly. I never realized how much I needed you until I couldn't see you for what, 3 days?" Drift frowned.

"3 days?!" Y/n gawked, "You've been missing for a week and a half! Almost 2 weeks!!" she shouted. "Drift.. what happened to you?!" she cried.

"Kevin took my body and used it to get to the Wailing Woods bunker where he's been planning something. I don't know what since he hasn't let me come back into my body since he got there. I've been stuck floating around for 2 hours or just chilling within the Cube," Drift sighed. "I had no idea it was that long. I guess when you don't know what time it is you kinda forget how time works."

"I guess so..." she laughed a little. "Do you... know when you can come back?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

"I have no idea," Drift replied sadly. "But all I know is..."

At that moment, Drift began to fade in and out.

"Drift?" Y/n asked, noticing what was happening to him.

"Shit!" Drift groaned, "I'm being pulled back... make sure you and the SSDT gets to Loot Lake on September 19th so you can stop him!" Drift said hurriedly.

"Wait! Drift!" she called, grabbing his hand. It freaked her out that she could feel a shadow as if it was really there, but she didn't let it bother her.

"Please be careful."

Drift smiled as he began to fade away fully, "I will. See you soon, baby."

Then, as if he was never even there, Y/n was left alone again, left with even more questions than she had before.

She looked down at the Season Watch - or, the Doomsday Clock as Raptor nicknamed it - to see how much time they had left.

The clock read 20, which meant they had 20 days left until the season ended.

It was September 7th now, which meant the SSDT had to find "Drift" before September 15th to stop Kevin from doing whatever Drift warned them about.

Could they do it in time?


We're getting down to the last few chapters :(

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