Chapter 29 - Anxiety

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Drift sat down on one of the lounge chairs and drank his beer.
He couldn't stop thinking about The Voice's warning.
"What did it mean?"

"Drift!" Y/n called from the pool. "Are you going to come back in?"
"I'm not feeling well," Drift lied.
"Oh," she frowned.

"If you're not feeling the best, we can leave early," Carbide said.
"No. I don't want to be a downer on this," Drift replied.
"No, Carbide has a point, it's getting late. We should get going to Greasy Grove to make sure we get back to the Motel before nightfall," John said. "Let's get ready to go."

"Awe, John!" Raptor frowned. "5 more minutes?"
"Raptor," John groaned, "just get out."
Raptor grumbled as he, John, and Y/n got out of the pool. Drift and Carbide follow them as they all go into the bathrooms to change back to their dry clothes.

Along the way, Y/n came across a necklace that looked similar to Drift's kitsune mask. She turned to Sun Strider who was on break, "Hey Sunny, how much for that necklace?" she asked.

"Uhm, i don't think it's for sale but I'll give it to you for free. Giving it to Drift?" she replied.
Y/n nodded, "it's a kitsune, it matches his mask. Are you sure? I can give you v-bucks for it," she responded.

"Nah, it's alright. Go ahead and take it," Sunny took it off the hanger and chucked it towards her friend.

Y/n caught it and smiled, "Thanks Sunny!"
"No problem!"

After awhile, the squad got back into their ATKs and made their way to Greasy to eat dinner.

"I haven't had Durrrburger in so long," Raptor sighed, looking at the road ahead of him.
"Raptor, you literally had it 2 days ago," Y/n giggled.
"I know! 2 days is too long!" Raptor said.

Y/n continued to laugh when she noticed Drift wasn't. He was starring off into space, paying no attention at all to the pair.

"Drift?" Y/n asked.
No response.
"Drift," she said a little louder. She touched his arm and he flinched quickly, turning around to face her. "You scared me," Drift sighed.
"Sorry," she frowned. "You seem off."
"I told you before we left, I'm fine," Drift rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the scenery flying past him.

Y/n frowned, "Drift, you know you can tell me anything, right?" she said, reaching to hold his hand. He pulled it away quickly, "I told you. I'm fine. Stop asking." His voice was bitter as he turned his head to look at her.

She noticed something was off about his eyes, but not wanting to upset him even more let it go.
"Hey, you kids alright back there?" Raptor asked, looking back for a moment.
"We're fine," Y/n said unsurely. Drift shrugged and remained silent.

"This was gonna be a long ride."

The group made their way to Greasy Grove. They went inside with Drift feeling less than enthusiastic, to say the least. Y/n picked up on how down he felt and sighed, walking over to John. Raptor was currently ordering, so she had the chance to chat.

"Mr. Wick, have you noticed anything different about Drift recently? Since we left he's been.. off," she said.
John looked over at Drift who looks completely distracted.
"Yeah, I have," he replied.

"What's wrong with Drift?" Raptor asked, stepping out of the way so Carbide could order.
"Shh!" Y/n hissed, "Drift bitches at me every time I question him, I don't want him to yell at me again," Y/n scolded.

"Oh. Sorry," Raptor said, "but what's wrong?"
"He might just be experiencing withdrawal. He's been away from Earth for nearly a season now," John sighed.

"Do you think we should tell him?" John mumbled to Raptor. Raptor shrugged, "I don't think it's ready."
"What's not ready?" Y/n asked. Carbide tapped on her shoulder, "You're up," he said.
She nodded and ordered as Raptor and John continue to chat.

"As I was saying, I don't think it's ready. I think it's better to wait to know it's ready for sure then tell him now and have it not work," Raptor said.
John nods, "You're right."

"Are we talking about the Rift Machine?" Carbide asked.
"Shh!" John glared at Carbide. "Keep it down! And yes, we are."

"Sorry, back," Y/n turned her attention back to the guys as Drift ordered. "But no, I don't think it's that. In the car on the way I noticed something was up with Drift. When he was speaking rudely to me I looked at his eyes and they had a weird purplish tint. It only seems to happen when he's upset," Y/n said.

"That's... strange," Carbide sighed. "I'm sure he's okay, though."
"I don't know about that, Carbie. That doesn't sound right by any means," Raptor mumbled.
"Keep an eye on him, okay? If this behavior continues, let me know," John said. "Let's shut up before he gets suspicious."


Sorry about going awhile without any updates! 😭 i promise i'm back on track, i'm just experiencing writer's block atm. 💓 the next few chapters are gonna be fun~

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