Chapter 33 - The Search for Drift

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The next morning arrived quickly for Y/n. Though John and Raptor tried to wake her up earlier, the exhausted girl ended up waking at 10 instead. She turned over and yawned, expecting to see Drift sleeping beside her.

She noticed that Drift isn't in the room. She sat up, confused. She looked around the room and noticed his mask gone from the desk. Worry washed over her as she jumped out of the bed quickly, throwing some clothes on before looking around.

"Drift?" she called. She walked into the bathroom to see if he was taking a shower, and to her disappointment, he wasn't there.

"He probably just... left and is outside with the others," she mumbled to herself. She sighed and checked her phone to see multiple texts from Raptor.

Raptor: Hey! Are you up yet? (8:31 AM)

Raptor: HEY (8:34 AM)

Raptor: ARE YOU UP (8:34 AM)

Raptor: ... (8:35 AM)

Raptor: I guess not. Well, John is impatient and wants to go get food, so we left to get something to eat. We'll bring you back some food! (8:37 AM)

Raptor: Text me when you're up! (8:42 AM)

Y/n rolled her eyes before replying.

Y/n: hey raptor. yeah, im up (10:13 AM)

Y/n: you guys still out? (10:14 AM)

After a moment, Raptor replied.

Raptor: Hey! You're up finally! Yeah, we're on our way back now. Hope you don't mind but we got Durrrburger again. (10:17 AM)

Y/n: lovely. thanks (10:18 AM)

Raptor: No problem! Hope you and Drift like it! 😉 (10:19 AM)

Y/n: speaking of drift, have you seen him? (10:19 AM)

Raptor: No, isn't he with you? (10:20 AM)

Y/n: no? i woke up and he was gone (10:20 AM)

Raptor didn't answer for a bit, which worried her. If Drift wasn't with the guys, where the hell was he?

She remained silent for a moment in thought as she began to pack up her clothes. She thought back to everything he said last night, and that's when the realization hit her.

Kevin got to Drift.

She started to breathe in and out heavily, panic overtaking her. She heard her phone go off multiple times but doesn't answer. She started to do her nervous tick as she realized that Drift could be in grave danger.

She's pulled out of her panicked thoughts when her phone began to ring. She looked down at her phone and noticed 14 texts from Raptor, and a missed call from John Wick. She picked up her phone with shaky hands and called him back.

"Y/n?! Finally! What the hell is going on? What's going on with you and Drift?" he said worriedly.

"I don't know!" She shouted, trying her hardest to not let her worry show too much in her voice.

"Open your door, we just parked. While you eat we can figure out where Drift went, alright?" John said.

"O-okay," she sighed. She ended the call and opened the door, where they're waiting. Carbide gave her her food with a small smile, and she took it, forcing a smile.

Raptor could tell she was worried, however. He hugged her tightly, "I'm sure Drifty is fine. He's really strong and smart, if he's lost he'll find his way back, okay?" Raptor said, trying to reassure her.

She sighed and set down the food on her desk, her appetite gone. "It's not as simple as that," she frowned, sitting down on the bed. "I'm not sure what I can say without risking all of our lives, but I'll try my best."

John looked at her confusedly, sitting down beside her. "What do you mean?"

Y/n fiddled with her hands nervously before breathing deeply, gathering her thoughts. "Last night, Drift told me what was going on. He begged me not to tell anyone, especially you, Mr. Wick, but his life is in danger now. I can't not tell you." Y/n paused before continuing, choosing her words carefully. "This has been an on-going battle he's been facing since the fight with Ragnarok. Apparently, Ragnarok had cursed his mask to control him in some way. I don't know how, but it worked. The moment he put his mask on, someone.. took control of him. I don't know who since he physically couldn't say who, but I have an idea. Whoever was controlling him was able to control him for small amounts of time, but not for long."

"That would explain his random outbursts," John mumbled, listening intently.

"Exactly what I thought," Y/n frowned. "It gets worse. The moment we saw the cube, he yelled at Raptor to pull over so we could see it."

"Yeah! I was so confused!" Raptor said, his mouth full of fries. Carbide, John, and Y/n look over at him, completely unamused.

"Will. You. Stop. Eating? Your best friend is missing!" Carbide groaned.

Raptor shrugged, "I'm hungry. Continue?" Raptor asked Y/n. She shook her head, "Once he touched the cube, apparently whoever was controlling Drift before, was able to gain complete control over him." Y/n fought back tears as she finished, "L-last night he told me that after tonight he wouldn't have control over himself anymore. He's gone. I have no idea where he went - but I woke up this morning and he was gone. He could be dead for all we know," Y/n finished. John rubbed her back as she began to sob, letting her emotions get the better of her.

"Thank you for telling us," John sighed, "now we know what we're dealing with. I think this has to do with the Cube," John looked down at his watch, "Impeccable timing, too. I bet this has to do with the end of the season. The timer is getting down dangerously low," he frowned.

"Whatever happened to Drift, we're going to find him. I promise. We'll continue the Road Trip once he's safe and sound, okay?" John hugged her and the girl nodded, "I'm so thankful to know people like you guys. I know you care about his safety, thank you so much," she sniffled, smiling weakly at them.

"Of course, Y/n," Carbide smiles, coming over to hug her as well. "We're gonna find Drift, no matter how long it takes us."

"We promise," Raptor said, sliding his mask back on. "Let's start now. I'll let the others know so we'll all be on high alert."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course!"

John looked at his watch and frowned, "We only have about 37 days until the season ends, and God knows what will happen to Drift if we don't find him before then," he mumbled. "We have to start this immediately."


We're getting to the home stretch you guys! I'm so nervous but also very excited. Also, I'm wondering if you guys would like me to continue this book into this season 6 storyline. I figured I would end it around chapter 40ish with the island event happening. (What we see in the teaser trailer for season 6) Depending on what you guys say, I might make a second book for season 6/7 or just continue more here.

Also, 50 points to your house if you caught the Harry Potter reference in this chapter ;)

The Boy from Another World || Drift || B1 || ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora