Chapter 10 - Drift's First Fight

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Elsewhere, Scoundrel was rushing up the hill by Snobby Shores in a hurry to get to his Lord, Omega.

He finally reached the control room where he and his partner Omen were bickering, as per usual.

"My Lord! My Lord!" Scoundrel pants, hunching over, "I've got some information you'd love to hear!" he says.

Omega growls, "Scoundrel! How many times have I told you to not come rushing inside shouting nonsense at me?! This is the third time this mon-"

"But my Lord, it's about the SSDT! I think you'd really want to hear it," Scoundrel says, standing up straight.

"Mmphf.. Go on. But this better be good," Omega replies, crossing his arms.

"Y/n is at Paradise Palms right now fixing up some of the damage Rapscallion and I caused. But she isn't alone, she's with another boy! They arrived together. I had Rapscallion do some digging and it turns out that the SSDT might have a new recruit on their hands!" Scoundrel exclaims.

"Really? Who is he?" Omen asks.
"We think his name is Drift," Scoundrel replies, "but that's not all, my Lord. He's... from off island. Wayyy off island. He's all the way from Earth," Scoundrel says.

Omen's eyes go wide, "Earth? But I thought-"
"That place was a myth? No, you idiot! It's real! I've been trying to figure out how to get there since the rumor first surfaced!" Omega shouted.

"How did he get here?" Omega questioned.
"I don't know that, my Lord. We haven't been able to find out that much about him, he hasn't been on the island for a whole month yet," Scoundrel replies. "We can do more digging, but at the risk of being caught-"

"Then take the risk, you imbecile!" Omega groans, face palming. "If he's still new, he's impressionable. We could recruit him. Imagine... taking down the SSDT with the most powerful off islander ever! This has to happen, no matter what the cost!" he booms.

"Omega. You're an idiot," Omen glares, "He's already in the SSDT. He thinks we're bad guys. The only way we're gonna do this is my destroying the SSDT entirely, and you know very well how impossible that is!"

"I am NOT an idiot!" Omega growls, "but you have a point. I think it's time we meet up with Ragnarok. He's a god, he could help us," Omega says.

"Get out, Scoundrel, you and Rapscallion go find more information on this.. Drift. And while you're at it, attack Paradise again, but target the pair. See if you can kidnap Drift and bring him here."

Scoundrel nods, "Yes my Lord." Scoundrel runs out to go fulfill his masters duty.

"Are you sure Ragnarok would be up to this?" Omen asks.
Omega shrugs, "I don't know. I don't know him very well. But I know he's on neutral sides. He can be easily persuade, however, so if we have the right tactic i'm sure he'll join us," he replies.
Omen sighs, "If you say so. I'm not looking forward to another botched plan of yours, Omega," Omen says, frowning.

"I'm going back to Junk Junction. Call me when you're ready for this plan." Omen walks out, leaving Omega alone in his lair.

Omega turns around from his computer control center and faces the gaping hole where his beautiful rocket used to be.

That rocket was his ticket to success, but the Visitor had to go and ruin it, spawning all this Rift nonsense. Omega immediately cried out, turning around and wiping all the items off his desk in anger.

All he wanted was to overtake this island, was that too much to ask?


Scoundrel and Rapscallion ran to Paradise and hid out in one of the shacks overlooking the desert city, and waited. Rapscallion looked out with her sniper rifle and waited for when Drift and Y/n left.

Soon, 3 pm had arrived and it was time to leave. Y/n walked over to Hotel 23, not looking forward to seeing Drift talking with Sunny.

She sees the two of them chilling poolside, lounging in two of the chairs. Y/n grunted and walked over to the pair, "Drift, it's 3, it's time to go," she says impatiently.

"5 more minutes? Sunny was just-"
"Now," she says sternly. "Do you want Wick to get even madder at us? Let's go!" you snap. You turn on your heal and walk out of the patio area as quickly as you could without drawing too much attention to yourself.

Drift raises a brow, "Alright then. Sorry, Sunny, I don't know why she's acting so..."
"Bitchy?" Sunny sighs. "Sorry, I think it's my fault. I think she feels threatened by me. She's normally very, very nice," Sunny says.

"I guess that's the word, but why would she feel threatened by you?" Drift asks.
"She probably likes you and thinks that you like me or something," Sunny says.
Drift stops and blushes lightly, "You think she likes me?"

Sunny shrugs, "Dunno. I mean, if I were her I totally would. I have a boyfriend anyway, so maybe she didn't know that. I dunno. But we can totally hang out sometime! Maybe my boyfriend and I can double date with you two!" she says.

Drift grins, "That would be a lot of fun! I better get going before she bitches at me again," Drift laughs. He gets up and waves to her, and he walks out to go follow Y/n.

He finds her sitting in the ATK, on her phone, looking upset.
"Hey... are you alright?" Drift asks.
Y/n shrugs, "Fine."

Drift gets in and starts the ATK, "you don't seem fine," he says.
"I'm just mad, okay? I've been working my ass off all day and you've just been sitting on your ass the entire time with Sun Strider!" Y/n snaps.

Drift begins to drive out of the city and shakes his head, "We've been working. We were taking a break, that's all. Why is Sun Strider such a touchy topic? You were in a great mood before I mentioned her, the hell's your deal?" Drift asks.

Y/n glares, "What the hell's my deal? What the hell is YOUR deal?! You're the one that's been flirting with her all day, and didn't pay any attention to me, and didn't help me at all today! It's been all about Sun Strider this, Sun Strider that, and not to mention 'OMG who's the babe from the tv interview'" Y/n mimics his voice, "You won't shut up about her! How am I supposed to feel? Happy you're already replacing me with the first chick you see here?!" Y/n yells.

Drift laughs in disbelief, "Are you kidding me? I'm not replacing you! I wanted to get to know her! So I thought she was pretty, sue me! We're just friends so why the fuck does it matter to you if I date her?! And plus, if you didn't know, SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND!" Drift yells back at her, looking at her occasionally. "And also! She said she was concerned about why you were so on edge today, and that she's never seen a bitchy side of you before. AND, she asked if you and I wanted to double date with her and her BOYFRIEND sometime! She's really nice and you're acting like a total bitch over absolutely nothing!" he continues.

Y/n freezes, 'Sun Strider actually likes me? He wasn't flirting with her...?'
"Drift, I'm sorry, I-"
"No. I'm driving you home and then I'm going out for awhile. I don't want to deal with your bullshit right now," Drift says coldly.

Suddenly Drift slams on the breaks as the pair hear a sniper bullet crack by their car.
Drift parks the car off the side of the road and gets out, grabbing a gun quickly, "Someone's shooting, get down, I'll handle this," he says.

"Drift, this is your first fight, I'm sticking with you," she says, getting out and grabbing her preferred weapon of choice.
"I'm mad at you. I don't want to argue with you right now," Drift says, looking around for the sniper.

She gasps lightly, "Excuse me? What if there's two of them? You could die!" She fights back.
Suddenly, Y/n hears a distinct chuckle to her left. She and Drift turn around and see Rapscallion and Scoundrel walking towards the duo.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the newest SSDT recruits," Scoundrel chuckles.
"We've been waiting~" Rapscallion sing songs.
Scoundrel grabs his shotgun out and Rapscallion takes her SCAR out as well, "I hope you two are ready to fight."


Yikes. First fights are always the worst, especially when they have to get into a physical life or death fight. 😬 Wonder how this is gonna go?

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