Chapter 11 - Killing's Not The Answer

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Drift chuckled coldly, "Ah, so you're the two that terrorized Paradise, huh?" he smirked.

Scoundrel smirked, "And you must be Drift. Omega's been looking for you~"

"Omega?" Y/n glared, "What does Omega want with Drift?"

"What do you think, dearie?" Rapscallion said snarkily.

She stood in front of Drift and cocked her gun, "You're not getting to Drift unless you go through me first."

Drift looked at her and his darkened eyes soften lightly, smiling faintly under his mask.

Rapscallion and Scoundrel cock their guns in response, "Looks like you'll die, then," Scoundrel grinned.

Drift moved from behind her and took the first shot, shooting at Scoundrel first.

Scoundrel moved out of the way quickly and so does Scallion, the two beginning to build up cover. She did the same as Drift started to spray down their cover with a drum gun.

The battle got heated quickly. Y/n looked over at Drift shooting from behind his wall in complete focus mode. She had to admit - he looked pretty damn hot.

She tore her eyes away from him and cursed at herself. She stood up and began shooting at them back - but she couldn't think straight.
Her mind kept floating back to her fight with Drift and how wrong she was. She sighed heavily, stopping to duck and reload her gun again.

"Rapscallion is low, I'm gonna push in!" Drift said, reloading and getting ready to push.

"Drift! Don't!" Y/n shouted, "You're too vulnerable!" She rushed after him, when she saw Scoundrel behind a sniper. Instantly, she jumped in front of Drift and the bullet - and got shot.

Drift's eyes widen as she fell down in front of him. She screamed out in pain, clutching her chest as she landed harshly on her side.

He rushed over to her and quickly encased the two in a small box; placing a floor and roof above him.

"Y/n! Oh my God, are you okay? That looked harsh..." he sighed, scrambling over to her.

"D-Drift, I'll be fine, j-just revive me if I get too hurt," she mumbled, clutching her chest where she was shot. It wasn't the most powerful sniper shot - only from a semi-auto - but if it had been any higher, she would've been dead on the spot.

She sat up and took out her medkit, starting to heal herself.

"Wait for me unless she starts to push - I don't want you to get hurt," Y/n said, paying attention to the bullet wound.

"What, you think I can't do this by myself?" Drift asked, topping off his shields.

"No, that's not what I said at all. She's just more experienced then you, I just want to be there to be safe-"

"You know what, I can do this by myself, thank
you," Drift frowned. "Thanks for taking that bullet for me, but I need to finish her off by myself. I'll be right back - do not leave this box until you are completely healed!" he said harshly, breaking down the wall with his pickaxe since he did not know how to edit buildings yet.

He jumped out and immediately ran after Scoundrel, "Don't you fucking touch her ever again," he growled, jumping up in the air and shooting Scoundrel down with his pump.

Scoundrel gets downed and he cried out in pain as Drift turned to look for Rapscallion.

Flabbergasted, she immediately threw her hands up in surrender, "I surrender! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Don't-"

Without missing a beat, Drift immediately lined up his shotgun to shoot her in the head. Swiftly, he pulled the trigger, but to his surprise, Rapscallion still lived.

Drift had missed his shot completely. Someone had pushed his arm upwards, firing it to the sky.

Rapscallion took that as her cue to pick up Scoundrel and make a break for the hills, leaving Drift and Y/n alone.

Drift stared at Y/n in pure shock. Because of her, he missed his shot and Rapscallion got away because of it.

"Y/n! What the hell, I almost had her!" Drift snapped, starring at her in disbelief.

"You didn't have to end her life! The SSDT doesn't shoot to kill we shoot to wound!" Y/n replied, "We NEVER kill unless we absolutely have to!"

"Scoundrel nearly killed you. I don't know what I would've done if he killed you," Drift said, his anger fading slowly from his voice.

"Drift... I understand you wanted to protect me, but killing isn't the way to do it," Y/n sighed, "You still have much to learn about how we protect ourselves around here. Let's just... get home."

Y/n broke down all their buildings to clear the road again, and the two walked back to their ATK where they drove home in silence.


Elsewhere, Huntress emerged from the hut she was watching from and smiled devilishly, immediately teleporting herself back to her master, Ragnarok.

"My Lord, I have found the boy Omega mentioned to you," she said, bowing down to him.

"Go on," Ragnarok replied, his Norse accent heavy.

"He was in a battle with another girl - a member of the SSDT," she answered, her accent the same. "He is an amazing player for only being here for a mere week or two. If you end up teaming up with Omega... Drift would be a key influence on following though with your plan," Huntress said, getting up and facing him.

Ragnarok laughed heartily, "Perfect. Thank you, Huntress. This information will help me nicely..." he smirked.

"Call Omega and Omen. I think we have a deal. And while you're at it... track down that Drift. Find him, and bring him to me. I would like to have a little talk with that boy. If he knows any better, he wouldn't dare defy a god," Ragnarok said, starring off his mountain to the puny island below.

Once Ragnarok completed his will, this island would know his almighty power, and he would be unstoppable.


Hmm, I wonder who he is? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anywhore, the romance is coming up within either the next chapter or the chapter after that! Bare with me, please, I like setting down the story and then have the romance follow suit. Also, i'm being completely overwhelmed with ideas for this book so keep an eye out for a possible double update! 😁

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