Chapter 31 - The Truth is Out

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After a short journey, the squad arrived at the Motel just outside of Lazy Links. Talk about going full circle... They went from Lonely Lodge all the way to Lazy, Greasy, and back all in one day!

John got out of his ATK and walked inside the freshly-renovated building to check in. They each had their own rooms, Y/n and Drift sharing.

Drift and Y/n got out their bags from the back of the cart; Raptor helping Carbide with his and John's.

Drift, still dazed from the events of earlier, trudged along with his suitcase trailing behind him.

"Drift, should we... see a doctor for you?"

"What?" Drift asked, confused.

"You just are physically acting different. It's like you're paranoid or something," she mumbled, readjusting her grip on her suitcase which was falling over. They stood outside the Motel rooms as they waited for their room key.

"I just... I don't know if I can say," Drift sighed. "It's too risky."

"I don't want to hear a bullshit excuse like that, Drift. You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" Y/n said softly.

"I know, but trust me when I say it's too dangerous. At least, out here it is, and around the others," Drift said, mumbling the last part.

"You're a very courageous young teen," Kevin grumbled in Drift's head. He winced and cursed under his breath, doing his best to ignore him.


"I'll tell you once we're inside," Drift said, looking around to make sure no one was listening.

"Alright..." Y/n said, looking concerned.


"Here. Here's your room key, do not loose it," John said sternly. He gave the pair two room keys, one for each, "We'll be heading off to bed now. Our rooms are rooms 35-37, yours is 38. Goodnight, kiddos," John said.

"G'nite, Mr. Wick," Y/n smiled. She took the room key, "Okay, let's get settled."

They walked down the length of the wide building until they reached their room. She inserted the key into the lock, and opened it.

She looked inside, "Wow, they've really tricked this place out," she grinned.

After the meteor had hit, they had spent most of Season 4 rebuilding the place. It was finally finished, and to remember the event, they decided to theme it after space.

The room's walls were a warm blue, and the furniture was very modern, but it all matched well. On the wall was a photo of Dusty Depot before it was destroyed. She smiled in memory as Drift set down their bags.

"Alright, well, I'm going to get ready for bed and then you can fill me in on what's been going on recently, okay?" Y/n asked. Drift nodded, opening up his suitcase to get nightwear out.

Y/n does she same, grabbing her clothes from her suitcase, preparing to go into the bathroom to change in private.

"Y/n/n, you know you can change in front of me now, right?" he chuckled, taking off his shirt and chucking it beside the suitcase.

"O-oh," Y/n blushed, "Right. I forgot," she laughed, setting her clothes down as she took down her hair.

"I've seen it all, nothing to be ashamed of," Drift smiled at her. She laughed, changing her shirt into one reminiscent of Brite Bomber's. "Yeah, you're right. Now, let me know what's going on."

"It's... really hard to explain," Drift sighed, sitting on the bed, rubbing the back of his neck as he thought about what he was going to say.


"You're pushing this," Kevin's voice echoed through his head. Drift ignored it, inhaling deeply, "I'm being controlled," Drift finally is able to say.

Y/n's calm expression faded away instantly. She sat on the bed beside him, "What...?"

"It happened with the mask. I think that Ragnarok, or Omega, Omen - I don't know who - toyed with it. The moment I put it on, I just felt difference. Someone was contacting me. K-" Drift tried to say his name, but he stopped and ended up coughing abruptly.

"Drift?" Y/n raised a brow, "S-sorry," Drift sighed, "I guess I can't say his name," he rolled his eyes, sighing.

"This... thing is controlling me, every once in a while taking over my actions. Half of the road trip I can't even remember since he was in control," Drift frowned.

"That explains the mood swings," Y/n sighed, frowning. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently. She nodded for him to continue, and he sighed.

"It gets worse," Drift continued. "He warned me that this is my last night in full control. I know what he's going to do and it fucking kills me that I can't warn you and the others," Drift sighed, running his free hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry."

Y/n let out a sigh, before hugging him. "I wish you had told me this earlier," she mumbled, "we could've helped..."

"It would've made things worse," Drift let go, letting his hands fall at her waist. He rested his forehead on hers, sighing, "I wish I could fix this. After tonight, I can't guarantee what happened. But for your safety and the islands - you can not tell anybody about this. Can you promise me that, Y/n?"

Y/n stopped for a moment, before nodding gently. She pecked his lips, "Only so I can save you. If there's anything I can do... just tell me," she replied.

"Staying out of his way will be ideal. And if he does anything to you, it is not me. You have to remember that. If I'm rude or God forbid hurt you in any way physically... it's not me. I would never hurt you. I love you too damn much," Drift sighed, kissing her again. She kissed back, letting all her anger fade away since she knew what it was about now.

She parted and looked up at him, sighing, seeing the pure worry in Drift's eyes.

There was no way he was lying about this.

"If this is our 'last' night together, let's make it count, okay?" she said. "Just us. Whatever we want, let's do it, yeah?" Y/n said.

Drift nodded, smiling, "That would be wonderful."

Y/n looked up at him before pulling him in for another loving kiss. He kissed her back, letting all his worry melt away. He laid her down onto the bed, continuing to kiss her.
She giggled lightly and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her.

Now, nothing else mattered but their love for each other.
No matter what, Kevin and his plans were not going to tear their relationship apart.


Well, hopefully this pleases some of the readers 😅 It was starting to frustrate me, too, lmao

Hope you guys had an awesome Thanksgiving!!

I am also experiencing some nasty Writer's Block ATM so if I don't update every night like before, don't fret! I'm just planning the next chapter so it's as good as it can be!

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