Chapter 12 - The Kiss

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The two drove home in total silence. After what had just happened, the duo had a lot to talk about.

They had their first fight, Y/n almost died, and now Drift was still upset at her even though he saved her life and almost lost her - all in one day.

"I hope you know that I'm not as mad as I was," Drift said, breaking the silence. "I'm still pretty ticked off that you were so quick to judge my actions with Sun Strider, though," he sighed.

Y/n nodded slowly, "I understand. I'm sorry. I can explain. I.. I know why I was so upset," she answered.

"Why were you so upset?" Drift asked.
Y/n inhaled slowly, "Drift, I-"

Y/n's phone began to ring, cutting her off. She sighed and answered it, "Hello?"

"Y/n! Are you and Drift alright? I heard you two got in a fight with Scoundrel and Rapscallion!" Raptor said worriedly through the phone.

"Raptor, don't worry, we're fine. I got hit pretty badly but Drift protected me." You look over at Drift and smile lightly and he does the same, turning his attention back to the road ahead of him.

"Are you guys on your way back now?" Raptor asked.
"Yeah, we're about 10 mins away, I'd say," Y/n replied. "We're close, we close to the Race Track."

"Okay. Be safe. See you soon," Raptor hung up and Y/n sighed, clicking her phone off. "Sorry, that was Raptor. He wanted to make sure we were okay," she said.

Drift chuckled, "I figured. He's like a protective little brother."
"That's Raptor for sure," she smiled.

The two remain the rest of the way in silence until they got back.


After getting back and proving to the rest of the team that they were both okay, they went to their room to relax. Drift took off his jacket and tossed it on her dresser, falling back onto the couch.

Y/n took off her shoes and (any extra accessories you had on), sitting on her bed.

She bit her lip, thinking of what to say, "Drift?"
Drift looked up from his phone and over at her.
"Do you want me to finish telling you what I was going to say earlier?" Y/n asked.

Drift shrugged, "Sure, I would really like to know why you were so touchy about Sunny."
He stood up and sat beside her on her bed, ready to listen.

She nodded before pausing, forming her words properly.
"Drift, before I say anything, promise what I'm about to say won't change our friendship, or how you think of me, okay?" she asked softly, afraid to even say it.

Drift chuckled softly, "Nothing you could do could change our friendship, I don't think. Go ahead, don't worry about it," he replied.

She nodded.
"I was so jealous of you and Sun Strider because today I realized something. I realized how much I value you as a friend, as a person, and as a partner. And I was afraid I was gonna lose you to Sunny," She began.

Drift listened and watched her, catching on to how nervous she was acting.

"One thing I also realized is that..." she sighed, "I... I like you. More than just a friend, I think."
Drift's expression changed notably, his gaze unreadable.

"And I've been afraid to tell you because I've been worried that you might not want to be around me anymore..." Y/n averted his gaze, nervous to look him in his eyes.

"And I know you probably don't feel the same way, a-and that's fine, I just.. figured you should know the truth. I'm sorry I was such a bitch earlier. I've never felt this way before. It's all new to me, and I'm sorry," she finished.

Drift paused for a moment before replying, "I like you, too."
Y/n looked over at him, "What?"
"I like you, too, Y/n," he said again. "I always did think you were cute since I got here. You're so sweet and hard working and protective of the ones you love and it's just so lovable," he continued. "I've never felt this way about anyone else before, except for you, Y/n/n," he grabbed her hand gently as she blushed, "You're not just saying this, are you?" she asked. "Of course not," Drift replied, "I really do like you. Love you, even."

Y/n smiled and looked down, feeling a surge of confidence run through her.
"I love you, too, Drift," Y/n smiled up at him.

She looked down at his mask, and before she could control her thoughts, pulled it down gently. She then leaned in and kissed him before either of them could process what was happening.

Drift kissed her back immediately, pulling her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through the back of his spiky hair.

In that instant, Drift forgot about Earth and his wish to go back. He realized he loved this girl and wanted nothing more than to keep her safe and happy here.

His heart beat faster as his cheeks flushed, tightening his grip around her waist.

After a moment, they parted, both blushing deeply. Y/n took a moment to admire his face - and it was just like she had imagined. She smiled and so did Drift, as he hugged her.
"I'm so glad you feel the same way, Y/n," he said.

"How could I not?" she grinned, "you're just the guy I've always wanted to fall in love with."
Drift laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking flustered.

"But... why do you wear the mask all the time? You have such a handsome face," she said. She realized what she had just said and blushed as he laughed again, "Thanks. I dunno, really. I got one as a kid and just liked how I looked. I thought it made me look cool, and I just sort of grew up with it. I guess it's 'my thing,'" Drift answered.

"Well, I love it," Y/n said, smiling, "but I wouldn't mind seeing more of you without it, either,"

He smiled and kissed her forehead gently, "Whatever you want."


Aww. Isn't that cute? they're finally happy and together!
Well that happiness is not gonna last long haha
i refuse to let happiness go like this so smoothly😂
Also, I have the cover as Lachlan because incase any of you have no idea what to picture Drift as, use Lachlan as a face claim i guess. His costume is absolutely amazing, i lost my shit when I saw it lmaoooo

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