Chapter 2

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Inaaya was walking back from school. Grandfather had never spoiled her with expensive cars, accessories, and chauffeurs. He had a rule 'the more money you have, the more grounded you get' and she believed in it. As she walked in the big black gate, she saw a car parked at the front. A fear crept inside her as she saw the number plate. It said 'Chicago'. She ran inside to find her grandmother preparing the table for lunch. She gave her a big smile. Inaaya asked, "Is someone here?"

Grandmother started arranging the napkins, "Umm, they are in the library"

She moved closer, "But why? After all these years, why now?"

Grandmother placed her hand on her hip saying, "Control your tone. They are your parents."

"No, they are not. You guys are" she yelled, "You raised me. You were there when I need parents, they were not."

She ran upstairs to her room and locked her door. Sinking to the ground with her head on her knees, she started crying. She felt Vanilla squeezing herself between her legs. Wiping her tears, she hugged Vanilla and started crying again. She waited for months but as the years passed, she made this place home. How they could expect her to leave her life here and go with them, she thought.

After some minutes, she heard a knock on her door. She wiped her tears, kissed Vanilla placing her on the bed and unlocked the door. A man in a striped black shirt with black pants, having his coat in his hand was standing at her door. His grey hair was neatly combed and his tanned skin had wrinkles around his black eyes. His wrinkles grew as he smiled, "Hey Bubbles, your Granny told me you don't want to have lunch"

Bubbles, her grandfather named her after the cartoon because it reminded him that she was innocent like the character. She sat on the bed with her hands clasped in her lap. He sat next to her asking, "What is it?"

She asked playing with her bracelet, "Are they here to take me?"

He sighed, "Unfortunately, yes. However, if you don't want to go then it is okay. should not forget that they are your parents and they have always loved you. They want to be part of your life, even if they are a bit late. Don't you want your family to be together again?"

When she didn't answer, he hugged her, "Bubbles, you will always be home here. They made a mistake. Give them a chance to make it right. If it didn't work, run back here and I will protect you at any cost"

She hugged him tightly, "I love you, Grandpa"

He stroked her hair, "I know honey, I know"

He pulled back saying, "You dad is waiting downstairs. You can pack up your stuff. I'll send the lunch here"

She nodded. He kissed her forehead and left. She was not going to do the mistake they did. She going to give them a chance to make it right. Maybe, with time, things would have changed. Maybe...maybe her sister will be her sister again. The possibilities made her stomach growl.

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