Chapter 57

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After a few days, Inaaya entered her room with Ayaan supporting her. She felt dizzy because of her heavy doses of medications. He helped her get in bed when her parents arrived in her room with her things. Doctor had advised her to take some rest before going back to school. Charlotte entered the room saying, "Okay, I brought everything you said. It is going to be hard staying alone at home but these things will make you comfortable"

Vanilla barked and jumped on the bed. She sat in Inaaya's lap and stared her waging her tail. Inaaya smiled as she petted her saying, "I am not alone"

Vanilla snuggled in her lap. Inaaya saw her father staring at Ayaan. She had not got chance to explain things to him but Ayaan informed her that he told him everything because her father threatened him. She sighed as she started explaining, "Dad, don't stare at him like that. He has changed. He is not the same person who humiliated me in front of school"

Ayaan kept him head hung low like a puppy who knows he is about to be scolded. Mr. Nanda started to say something when Inaaya said, "No, dad. Just give him a chance for me". Her dad scowled.

Ayaan started to speak in a low voice, "May I?"

Inaaya nodded hesitatingly. He continued, "Sir, you know me since I was a kid. I know that you think I am bad person for Inaaya but I can assure you one thing, I am trying to change. I am trying to be a better person. I know you have heard a lot of things about me and some of them might be true and some of them aren't. Everyone makes mistakes but we should give them a second chance if they are willing to change. Your daughter gave me one and I promised her that I will be a better person"

Mr. Nanda asked her daughter, "Do you trust him?"

Inaaya nodded, "Dad, I love him"

He kissed his daughter's head. He turned to Ayaan saying, "Fine, I trust her decision but if you do anything that breaks her heart, I'll break your bones"

Inaaya smiled, "That is a very nice way to cheer, dad"

Charlotte sat next to Inaaya saying, "Now, I am going to have a movie night tonight with you"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. They saw Zara standing outside the room. She asked, "How is she?"

Inaaya saw her mother who had been strong through the situation break. She could see anger rising inside her. She called out, "Mom, no. Don't"

Mrs. Nanda glared at her. She sunk low. She had not seen her mother get angry. Mrs. Nanda snapped, "Why do you want to know? Stay away from her. There are only few people who know that she is allergic to peanuts. You are one of them"

Zara rolled her eyes, "Oh come on mom. Peanut allergy is a common allergy. How can you say that I did it? Maybe it was someone else's good-luck gift that she ate"

Mrs. Nanda was going to respond when she interrupted, "Now that your favorite daughter has returned, I am the bad one like always. So typical everyone"

She walked out of the room. Ayaan asked, "How did she know it was a good-luck gift?"

"What do you think" Charlotte replied, "It is obvious"

When Zara walked in her room, she closed the door behind her. Her heart felt a relief seeing Inaaya safe. She didn't want to make her condition worse. In childhood, Inaaya would get rashes when she would eat peanuts. She had not known that her allergies have progressed and have become life-threatening. Collapsing on the floor, she took a deep breath whispering, "I am sorry" to blank air of the room.

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