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The apartment was medium sized with wooden floor and white walls. There was a bookshelf in one corner with Inaaya's books arranged in alphabetical order. There were pictures of the happy couple hung on the wall, the prom photo, graduation photo, vacation photos with a bunch of goofy Polaroid photos narrating the story of their love. Inaaya, who grew-up but still haven't lost the innocence on her face whenever she smiled. Ayaan, who had started growing beard as a result of a challenge by Inaaya had become a handsome man. She was setting up the dinner table when Ayaan hugged her from behind and kissed her neck. She laughed, "Everyone is going to arrive any minute. Help me set up and stop distracting me"

He kissed the nape of her neck which tickled her. He murmured, "It is our house. We can at least have few minutes to ourselves"

He swirled her around and pressed himself against her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and started playing with his hair. Smilingly, she kissed his cheek saying, "Husband-to-be, you should control yourself. Our families will be here, any minute"

He rolled his eyes, "I can't. My wife-to-be is looking so beautiful today. Why don't we just cancel this dinner? I want to spend tonight with just you"

As his hands slid down her hips, she pushed him back shaking her head, "No, this dinner is important. And you have to behave. She is way too nervous to be here"

"I'll behave if she behaves" he folded his arms and stared at her. Inaaya sighed, "Ayu, stop acting like a baby. She had been gone for five years. You don't know how relieved I was when she called."

"This is the most undesirable family re-union ever. We are going to have your parents in the same room as your grandparents with your sister and her date. And let's not forget my father is going to make an appearance too. I hope he doesn't show up"

"He loves me. So, he is going to come. And I don't know what the problem is. You went on to become a photo-journalist. That's not a bad job, he agrees to that now. I don't know why you are upset with him. I think it is time to put everything in the past. If I can forgive my parents, you can also forgive your father" she kissed him and walked in the kitchen. He shook his head, "I hate it when you put it like that. My problems seem so small in front of yours. I hate you for doing that"

She walked out with a bunch of napkins saying, "I know you love me"

When she turned to him pouting, he started laughing.

"You know I actually thought you would chicken out. I mean you should have seen his face when he was planning everything. He actually thought you would say no" Charlotte laughed as she gulped another glass of wine. Everyone started laughing when Charlotte impersonated Ayaan who buried his face in Inaaya's shoulder with embarrassment. When Charlotte poured another drink, Nicholas who was sitting next to her whispered, "You shouldn't drink too much"

She squinted asking, "Why do you care? Stop pretending to care"

Ayaan whispered to Inaaya, "So many years have passed but still they can't talk to each other normally"

She gave a slight nod and took his hand. When the doorbell rang, she slipped out of her seat to open the door. When she returned, everyone was startled to see Zara standing with a beautiful blonde girl beside her. Zara had her hair chopped off in a bob which made her appear younger. Grandfather raised his eyebrows as he stared at Inaaya who gave a shrug and smiled. Zara cleared her throat and turned to her side saying, "Everyone, this is my girlfriend Shelby. Shelby, this is everyone"

The girl had a big smile on her face as she waved at everyone. Charlotte raised her glass saying, "I didn't see that coming. Congratulations"

Before anyone could ask anything else, Inaaya walked over to table saying, "Come and join us for dinner"

Both of them slid into their seat while Inaaya went back to hers. Ayaan whispered something which made her smile.

Zara is standing near the photos when Inaaya walks up to her asking, "Are you okay?"

She nodded and started staring at the graduation photo, "I didn't get to attend graduation. I had a dress picked out for that day"

"You shouldn't have left like that" Inaaya replied. Zara smiled, "I had to. I had issues. I needed to solve them"

She glanced at the scar on Inaaya's arm saying, "I have given this family scars which can never be healed"

Inaaya smiled, "I told you. Everything is forgiven as long as you are safe. When you left, everything fell apart but see, now it is all coming back together"

She gestures at the family which was talking and laughing, "It is good to have you back. I can't get married without my sister by my side. By the way, you have a very sweet girlfriend. Where did you meet her?"

Zara gave a laugh, "It is complicated. But she is the best thing that happened to me, like you are to Ayaan. I can see the way he looks at you, like you are the only person in a room. He never looked at me like that. Also, I don't know why I wasted my time only on boys"

Inaaya laughed and took her sister's hand saying, "Don't disappear like that. You don't have to be alone. You will always have me even if you try to kill me"

Zara stared at her with wide eyes. She gave a shrug, "I have a right to joke about that"

Zara hugged her sister tightly like she didn't want her to go. All the fears, hatred, anger had disappeared with a hug from the person she loved the most. She remembered two little girl playing in house in the backyard, making fort with blankets in their rooms, climbing in tree house to get away from home. Finally, she was home as who she was.

She pulled back wiping off her tears. Ayaan came up to them and slid his arm around Inaaya's waist. He smiled at Zara commenting, "I thought you liked boys"

Zara shrugged, "I play for both teams. There is a long complicated story behind this which I'll tell you later"

Should I write a part 2??

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