Chapter 59

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"How did you do that?" Inaaya asked in surprise. Ayaan shrugged with a smirk, "I am a very charming person"

She gave a laugh before turning back to the shelf for Calculus. She took some books out saying, "I can't believe you got Grandpa to like you. I mean, he adores you from what I heard him say. What did you say to him?"

"Bubbles, it is between us. I will not spill the beans" he replied when started walking towards her. He swirled her around and entwined his finger above her hips drawing her closer. She bit her lip saying, "Ayu, this doesn't mean that you have permission to do anything anywhere"

He smilingly nodded, "I know"

He started kissing her lips. He had her against the shelf as desire came over him. His hands moved frantically over her body as his lips wanted to taste every bit of her mouth. The books fell on ground when she wrapped her arms around his neck. His hand moved down her hip. She gave soft moan for each small kiss he landed on her neck. He traveled back to her lips. His hand moved inside her t-shirt. She smiled when his cold hands tickled her.

Suddenly, they heard, "Are you guys done?"

Inaaya started laughing because they knew who that voice belonged to. Ayaan turned to Nicholas while she buried her head in his chest laughing softly. Nicholas was leaning against the shelf with his arms crossed. He squinted his eyes asking, "Do you guys know there are cameras in library?"

Ayaan nodded. Nicholas shrugged, "Just thought to inform you guys"

Saying this, he went away. Ayaan turned to Inaaya whose face had turned red. He asked, "Why did he do that?"

She pushed him back and picked up her books saying, "Because you have done this to them so many times"

"No, I didn't" he protested as they were walking down the aisle of the library. She nodded, "Yes, you did. One of the many reasons why Coco wants to kill you"

Ayaan bumped into Ethan who was carrying Calculus books as well while walking down the aisle of the library. Everything went still. Ayaan apologized, "I am sorry. I didn't see you there"

Ethan kept his head low and picked up his books. Inaaya signaled Ayaan to go. He nodded and walked away. She bent down to pick his books too. He shook his head, "There is no need to be nice to me"

She gave a faint smile, "I know. But I also know that you are not a bad guy"

He took his books from her saying, "Stop it. Stop acting like you are so nice. Everyone knows who went on to have another relationship as soon as we broke up. It was like you were waiting for us to be over. You could have just said it"

Inaaya wanted to say something but preferred not to when Ethan pushed her out of his way.

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