Chapter 58

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That night, Ayaan was lying next to Inaaya with her hand in his. His thumb was making small circles at the back of her palm. It was his comforting technique for her, to tell her that he is here whatever happens. She put her head on his shoulder as they watched the movie with Charlotte sitting at the foot of the bed eating popcorn. Ayaan asked, "Why didn't he just call her? That would have been easier that running to the airport"

The protagonist of the movie had realized that he loves his business partner and was chasing her to the airport. Charlotte nodded, "Point, why waste taxi fare and run half a mile when you can just call her and tell her that you love her"

Inaaya rolled her eyes. She had been a romantic since she started reading classics. She loved watching romantic movies and understood what big gestures meant. She turned to Ayaan asking, "Why did you stand in rain just to make me confess?"

Charlotte paused the movie and looked at Ayaan who answered, "Because there was no other way. You were not talking to me"

Inaaya nodded, "Yes, so likewise, he is running to airport because there is no other way. He has to stop her before she boards the plane. She will not pick-up his phone because she is mad at him for breaking her heart. He has to apologize in person"

Charlotte laughed, "No sweetie, director asked her not to pick-up the phone so that he would run and come sweating to airport. People will give him space because he is stinky now and that ways it is easy for him to get to the terminal"

Charlotte and Ayaan burst in laughter. Inaaya commented, "You definitely know how to kill a movie"

She shrugged before pressing play. Ayaan asked, "Where is Nico?"

Charlotte waved at him saying, "He got stuck with his parents"

Inaaya cuddled against Ayaan as she started to fall asleep. Charlotte looked at Ayaan asking, "Should we do something?"

Inaaya who had her eyes closed, ordered, "If you guys pulled off anything like that Green Dye, I'll chop off your heads. Just leave it"

They were startled a bit. Ayaan wrapped his arm around her saying, "Fine. We will not do anything"

Inaaya opened her one eye and looked at Charlotte who sighed, "Fine, I'll ALSO not do anything"

Charlotte stuffed some popcorn in her mouth and resumed watching the movie. Ayaan was watching Inaaya sleep in his arms soundlessly. Kissing her forehead, he hugged her tightly. Charlotte whispered, "You know I am supposed to keep an eye on you. You are not supposed to be here"

He pouted, "Please"

She shook her head, "Sleep on the couch"

"I will make Nico come to your debate society's event on Saturday" he promised to her. She thought for a moment before nodding her head, "Fine. But get out of here before dawn"

He agreed and cuddled with Inaaya. Charlotte locked the door and grabbed pillows and blankets as she went to sleep on couch. When the lights turned off, Ayaan watched Inaaya. He had never felt the fear, the fear of losing someone. She had been in his arms before but when he felt her body losing consciousness in his arms, he could feel himself grasping for air. The thought of watching her go frail like that gave him shivers. The reason he wanted to stay with her was simple, he wanted to be with her because carrying her to hospital in his arms had scared him. She was his kryptonite, he smiled as he thought about it. He caressed her cheek with his fingertips. She can protect herself, she had always said that but she didn't know her sister like he did.

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