Chapter 50

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Ayaan was tapping his foot as Mrs. Peyton was explaining the mistakes to them. He glanced at his watch for fifth time. He knew he shouldn't have said those things, maybe she is angry at him. Mrs. Peyton who was watching him from corner of her eye asked, "Do you have a meeting with someone Mr. Kapoor? Am I boring you?"

He shook his head and apologized. She was a very intimidating teacher. Everyone took their positions on stage. The teacher asked, "Is Inaaya coming in today or not?"

Disappointed, Ayaan was going to answer her question when he heard a voice speak which made his eyes look up to the door, "I am sorry that I am late"

He felt a sense of relief. She was staring straight at the teacher who glanced at her watch. She said, "Mrs. Peyton, I am so sorry"

"This shouldn't happen in future" Mrs. Peyton warned her. She nodded and walked to the stage keeping her head down. Ayaan had big smile on his face as his heart did somersaults. She took her position after keeping her bag in the corner. As they rehearsed, Inaaya didn't look at him. It was like a robot was doing her routine. Her behavior confused him. If she was here because she loved him, then why was she behaving like this, he wondered. Irritated with everything, he did the same.

When the rehearsal ended, she went and sat in the corner. Other students started to leave. Ayaan wanted to leave but his heart stopped him. He didn't want to forgive her for saying that he was a mistake but his heart longed to talk to her. He sat next to her asking, "So, you are ignoring me now? I thought I was clear in that note"

He saw her watching Mrs. Peyton who was talking to a group of students. He felt that he was invisible to her. No one had pretended that he was invisible to them. He rolled his eyes, "Really? You are not even going to look at me. Fine. I am done with you anyways. I..."

When she saw the last person leave the hall, her body eased. She knew she couldn't do this in front of anyone. Her heart felt a joy listening to Ayaan. He was not angry, she concluded. Turning around, she grabbed his collar and pulled him in a kiss, cutting him off in mid-sentence. His eyes widen in surprise but after a few seconds, his hands reflexively moved at her back. He felt her smile. She pulled back saying, "You talk too much"

He laughed. Scratching the back of his neck, he asked, "Why did you behave like that?"

"I had to control myself in front of Mrs. Peyton and everyone. I don't another scandal" she replied taking off her shoes and stretching her legs. He shook his head, "I can't believe it. You keep me surprising me every time, Miss Nanda. I thought you were not coming"

She squinted her eyes nodding, "I was not coming. Coin decided that"

He furrowed his brows. She explained, "I tossed a coin and it landed on tails which meant I will not be coming but then..."

She gave small shrug, "I came"

She turned and took out flowers from her bag. He laughed when he recalled that they were his 'fake' flowers. She sat on her knees saying, "I am sorry that I hurt you. I am sorry that I lied to you and to myself about my feelings for you. I am sorry for everything..."

He sat in front of her with a big grin. She continued, "...So, if you want. I want to be the girl who annoys you with her constant messages. I want to be the girl makes you keep guessing what I'll do next. I want to the girl who hugs you when she doesn't want to talk to anyone. I want to be the girl who is proud to call you 'her boyfriend'.... you want me to be that girl?"

He nodded and took the flowers saying, "I wanted you to be that girl the moment I realized how crazy I am for you"

He hugged her tightly which made her laugh. He asked, "No more pushing away. No more 'I can't do this'? No more 'this is wrong'? No more fight?"

She shook her head, "No more of that. But I can't say that about fights"

"It's okay if you are going to say sorry after each fight like that" he replied. She gave a laugh. Standing up, he stretched out his hand to her. She took it and he swirled her around. As they stood in the center of stage, she gently put her feet on his as his arms were wrapped around her. It felt right. She had been scared to be where she belonged for a reason which didn't matter anymore. She saw sparkle in his eyes which was never there. For once, she didn't ask herself if her sister will be happy with this; she asked if she was happy with this. Ayaan's dreamy eyes answered it for her. She giggled as he put his forehead against hers. She asked, "Now what?"

He gave her a small kiss which made her world go round and replied, "I'll take you on a proper date. Somewhere special"

Balancing herself, she smilingly asked, "And if I refuse?"

He tightened his arms around her saying, "I don't take no for an answer"

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