Chapter 45

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While switching the channels on television, Inaaya had came across the weather update which predicted heavy rains and as predicted, rain started pouring at night when Inaaya was practicing a new song. Her mind started wondering if Ayaan was still there or not. She concluded that he would have ran back home the moment it started raining. Shaking away the idea, she went back to practicing.

Inaaya climbed down the stairs to get ice-cream from the kitchen as her stomach growled. She noticed a figure in the backyard soaked wet. She ran out asking, "Are you out of your mind? What the hell are you still doing here? You should have gone back home"

He was shivering. His neatly combed hair were sticking to his forehead while his shirt became translucent. He replied, "I told you I'll not leave"

She covered her face with her hands. Moving closer, she said, "Ayaan, let's get you inside. It had been hours since you were here"

He shook his head, "Say it Inaaya. You care about me. You care if something happens to me. Say that you love me"

She yelled, "This is not the time to talk about this stuff. You have to get in the house"

She tried to pull his arm but he refused. She scolded, "Ayaan, stop acting like a kid..."

"Why don't you stop acting like an adult? You have lived your life just to please a single person who doesn't even care. You try to make everything right for her, even if it means giving up your happiness. You have to start living for yourself. It is not a wrong thing to be happy"

"I was happy. I was happy with Ethan" she struggled to keep her eyes open. Her clothes were sticking to her body as she tried to warm herself by rubbing her arms. He laughed, "No, you were settling. You were settling thinking that he is good for you. You didn't love him. You know it, I know it and everyone who had ever had a chance to know you, knows it. Why can't you admit a simple thing and save me from this freaking rain?"

She was growing worried about him. She yelled, "Alright, I'll say it. But if I admit it, you will come inside?"

He nodded. As she was about to speak, he fainted. She cursed, "Oh merde!"

She caught him and helped him get inside.

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