Chapter 28

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"I guess you don't have time for me now?" Charlotte asked sighing. She put her head on the table acting sad. Inaaya laughed distracting herself from her laptop, "It is not like that. It is not like we are going out every day. It had been only three coffee dates. I don't even know if he is serious or not"

"Well, I am happy that you finally got a guy who is not going to get you down" she took out her phone as she got a text. Ethan slid next to Inaaya saying, "Hey, what are you watching?"

She turned her laptop towards him. He started laughing, "Oh, come on. "Top ten people with superpowers"? I didn't know you believed in that stuff"

She smiled, "Look, I am all for science and logic but I was just thinking how cool it would be if it was true?"

She turned to Charlotte who had her eyes buried in her phone, "Coco, what super-power would you want?"

"I want to control people's mind or read their thoughts" she replied with a proud smile. Inaaya nodded, "Yes that would be so cool. Imagine you could read what other person is going to do and make them do what you like them to do"

"Your sister has that power. Is she a witch or something?" Charlotte placed her elbows on the table. Inaaya squinted her eyes, "I think we agreed that we don't talk bad things about her"

"No, you talked. I simply didn't reply" her phone chimed. Turning to Ethan, Inaaya shook her head as she knew Charlotte would never stop commenting about Zara. She asked with a big smile, "What would you have?"

"I would like Invisibility" he replied thinking. She nodded, "I had that power. It is an advantage"

He stared in her eyes, "You have another super power now"

"What" she blushed as pushed her fringe at back of her ear. Charlotte sneaked at them smiling. They kept staring at each other for a while. She noticed that in sunlight, his almond-shaped eyes had a hint of gray in them. He placed his chin on his hand and kept staring at her. Inaaya turned her attention back to her laptop laughing. He asked, "I'll see you in Chemistry?"

She nodded. He kissed her cheek before leaving the cafeteria. Charlotte put her phone on table saying, "Are you kidding me? Kiss on cheek?"

Inaaya shrugged, "Why? What's wrong?"

"Everything is wrong. That guy is serious about you. I saw it in his eyes. Just kiss him already. He likes you, I can see that" Charlotte cried. Inaaya blushed, "Coco, shut up. I don't want to rush into anything."

Charlotte put her chin on her hand while staring at her, "You are blushing. You like him too. I can't believe it. He can't take his eyes off you and you can't help blushing whenever he's around. Tell me that is not what a start of relationship looks like"

Inaaya bit her lip hiding her smile, "Shut up and get back in your phone. I liked you that way."

Ayaan watched Inaaya from his table. A pain stung in his heart when he saw the guy kissing her. For a week, he had felt a heaviness on his heart whenever he noticed her with him. He nudged Nicholas asking, "Nico, do you have any idea who was that guy with Inaaya?"

Nicholas whispered, "She has been going out with him for the last couple of days. He is considered the lucky guy now-a-days by guys of school."

"What about her? Does she like him?" he fished salad with fork with a gloomy face. Nicholas was texting on his phone as he snapped, "Why do you care? You have wrecked everything with her. Just let her be happy"

"Geez, what has gotten into you?" Ayaan asked as he shot a look at his best friend. Nicholas shook his head, "Nothing. It is just...Sometimes when you do something, it affects my reputation too because I am your best friend. So, let everyone live their lives"

Nicholas got up and walked out of the cafeteria. Turning his attention back to Inaaya, Ayaan knew Nicholas was right. She was better off without him but as he watched her be happy his heart sank. He wanted to be the reason for her smile rather than her tears.

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