Chapter 66

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Charlotte swirled around in her turquoise colored lace skater dress that she will wear in the ball. She had been stressed over her look for the ball. She looked over at Inaaya through reflection asking, "Do you think it is too casual for Formals?"

Inaaya shook her head, diverting her attention from the book, "Charlotte, your beauty has outshined the stars. You look like sea meeting the land in the darkness of the night to seal their love for each other"

Charlotte placed her hand on her hips and stared at her best friend who gave a smile. She sighed, "We talked about this. People don't use that kind of language in real life because it confuses them. You don't know if someone is complimenting you or insulting you by comparing you to things like that"

Rolling her eyes, Inaaya got up and hugged her saying, "You look perfect. And you'll be perfect for Nicholas even if you wear pajamas to the ball"

This made her body relax as she gave a laugh, "Well that would definitely be way more comfortable"

Inaaya walked back to bed and stretched her legs while suggesting, "After the ball, you can come hang out with us"

Charlotte sat next to her and looked at her with concern, "By the way, are you okay? I know it was the first dance after you guys became official and all. Kind of a big thing..."

She gave a shrug, "I am not that worried about the dance. It is just Ayaan. It was important to him. I would have rather watched a movie at home than put on a dress and go dance in those heels. I just want to do something special for him that day because he feels guilty for not taking me to this"

"So, what will you do?" Charlotte started unzipping her dress and put on a tank top over her shorts. Inaaya yelped, "Hey, that's mine. I was going to wear that tomorrow"

Charlotte ignored her and stared brushing her hair saying, "Do you have anything in mind?"

She started thinking about the places that Ayaan would love to go. Charlotte was applying eyeliner when Inaaya jumped off the bed shouting, "I got an idea"

Charlotte commented, "Don't scare people like that. I would have poked my eyes"

She started laughing as Charlotte wiped it off and started again. She continued, "There is a small tree house kind of a thing, the Hope. Saki told me that whenever she wants to be alone, she goes there. It is her hideout place so no one knows about it. I can decorate that place and we could have our own Winter Formal there. It is exclusive by the way, so before you come, inform"

Charlotte started laughing, "I will not disturb you too. And it is an awesome idea and very romantic too. Go for it. Will you need any help with decorations?"

Inaaya nodded, "I would love that but don't tell him about this. You blurt out things right to him"

Charlotte took a pillow and started hitting her saying, "I am always on your side. I don't tell our secrets to anyone"

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